Sabaton - Attero Dominatus

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Sabaton - Attero Dominatus
Black Lodge Records - 2006
By Adam McAuley


Very classy power metal with orchestral tendencies is what Sabaton like to indulge in with an attempted finesse. What they end up with a rather fun bunch of songs that recalls the likes of Rhapsody, but in a slightly more sedated and normalized form perhaps. However, there is certainly a good deal of bombast present here and it makes for a very compassionate listen, even if they don't quite weave the somewhat magical web that Rhapsody does on their most interesting moments. It has a sort of traditional metal flair creating a very metal feel to the entire proceedings.

The problem with the album lies in how the band don't take some of the templates they so carefully have observed and bring them onto a higher level of inginuity and creativity. Instead, we have a semi-operatic affair that at times escalates to levels of relative enchantment, but gets drowned in a mire of having not much impact. The vocals stand out as being perhaps more operatic and rousing than the music itself is and this is a quality that's appreciated because the music is in need of some added liveliness. It just has a feeling of retreading past glories and being slightly less compelling than it could be with added instrumentation and more innovative ideas.

The overall dilluted flavor of the album also doesn't really completely lend well to the proceedings as the songs come across sort of cheesy and half finished like. Nonethelss, it has a very compassionate flavor as if the band are very rousing, spirited and totally into the style of music they play. Overall, a relatively enjoyable album that really appeals well to the power metal audience in particular and those into a somewhat epic style of music being played.


Official Sabaton Website
Official Black Lodge Website