SABATON - Primo Victoria


Long Live =^.^=
Mar 5, 2005
Southeast Idaho
SABATON - "Primo Victoria"
Black Lodge 2005

Sabaton is a term used for articulated, steel foot armour used during the 16th century and it also happens to be the
name the this band chose to represent themselves and the kind of music they play. Now you may ask yourself how does foot armour apply to the music Sabaton plays or is just a cool sounding name?

Formed in 1999, the band played many a gig throughout Sweden before getting signed to an Italian record label to record their debut “Fist for Fight” in 2001. Inside the packaging was advertisement for their next album "Metalizer"

By the time they had 'Metalizer' recorded the relationship between SABATON and thier label had fallen apart and the band left the label and signed on with Black Lodge to and recorded their 2005 album “Primo Victoria”.

"Primo Victoria" starts out strong with one of this years best songs, the amazing titletrack. Describing the splendor of this masterpiece is difficult, for this is truly spectacular. From the first time I listened to this, I was completely blown away, and I don’t think I'll ever grow tired of it.

Ultra heavy Black Sabbath like riffs combined with bombastic keyboards, melodic and screaming guitars and the powerful, raspy voice of Joakim Brodén, Sabaton
creates visions of victory and battle in the most ingenious ways. The only question after listening to this track is...
Can the rest of the album even possibly live up to this track alone? The answer is a definate yes!

The style of the band is fresh and unique, some bands are similar in sound and you can hear their influences here and yet nothing has been heard that is anything quite like it. Clearly rooted in traditional Heavy Metal like Black Sabbath and the epic aspects of Manowar, Sabaton manages to create a sound completely all their own.

The production of Primo Victoria is also nothing short of greatness, creating an impression of a huge wall of sound. Very detailed without being overproduced, the word 'POWER' truly has a meaning here.

So, what is the overall theme of the lyrics? Being a concept album about the wars of modern times, Primo Victoria is in a sense a “history lesson”. The band is definately clear about their opinions. The album focuses on the “bright” side of war, like pride, power, and feeling victorious which makes for some great anthmetic classic metal.

Joakim Broden (Vocalist) has a unique voice. The first thing you will notice about is the amazing power and depth
it contains. but never more powerful than it needs to be. Joakim’s vocal patterns mesh especially well with the
viking-tinged, pure metal selections on this album such as the title cut, "Primo Victoria", "Wolfpack" and "Panzer Battalion"

"Metal Machine" cannot go unmentioned as it is a tribute to the Metal scene of the 80’s. The lyrics are made up of song titles or parts of recognizable lyrics from artists like Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kiss, Accept and W.A.S.P. to name just a few. A straight forward traditional metal song featuring a sing-a-long chorus that makes for a perfect homage.

The classic metal dual guitar attack of Rickard Sundren and Oscar Montelius is blazes consistently on each and every track, and remininsent of legendary dual guitar masters Downing and Tiption of Judas Priest. The extremely melodic, well timed and creative guitar playing on this album deserves a special mention. The rhythm section of Daniel Mullback and Par Sundstrom
meshes it all together nicely, with the keyboard work of Daniel Myhr enhancing the color of the music.

In the end, “Primo Victoria” excells at satisfying fans of power metal, and considering that Sabaton is a relatively new band, they offer plenty of fascinating melodies, blistering guitar work, with an epic and dramatic atmosphere.

So is 'Sabaton' just a cool sounding name? I think not! Give this CD a listen and you will find that the metal clad foot of 'Sabaton' will kick your ass!

Check them out at :
Old news for me ;) Since I found the band has been one of my top ones, indeed this year they are my #1 on the list.

Sabaton is one of the best metal outfits out there, maybe not innovative, maybe not superb, but surely pure uncompromised metal, and that's old school enough for me :D
Listen to Wyvern gloat about he turned us all onto Sabaton. You deserve a hearty pat on the back for that one man! This is a very fun album to listen to. Totally old school, reminds me of Running Wild at their best (Under Jolly Roger) with it's marching beats and epic sing-along choruses. Primo Victoria is firmly entrenched in my top-10 of the year.