Sabaton UK Tour


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK

1 - Norwich, UK - Waterfront
2 - Wolverhampton, UK - Wulfrun Hall
3 - Manchester, UK - HMV Ritz
4 - Glasgow, Scotland - Garage
6 - Belfast, Ireland - The Limelight
7 - Dublin, Ireland - Button Factory
9 - London, UK - HMV Forum
10 - Cardiff, UK - Great Hall 2
11 - Sheffield, UK - Corporation
Not sure what show(s) I'll be going yet, but I have to say that I was very underwhelmed by the new line-up the other night. They seem like they need some time to learn how to be Sabaton, but I guess that's understandable. The benefit of the doubt will be given, anyway.
I really hope the newbies pull up on their performance so that Joakim can stop over-doing his vocals badly in a poor attempt to pull focus from the others lack of stage presence. I'm unsure if I want to part with £16 given November has a lot of shows to chose from, recession and all.
I've never seen Sabaton as a "gimmick" Band to be honest. To me, such a word implies that a Band is not to be taken very seriously and that would be mightily ironic for a Band that sings about factual Wars and Battles.

I personally don't see the problem with concentrating on a particular theme(s) throughout, as long as the Music's good. Obviously it's not going to be to everyone's taste, but that goes for anything of course.

It would be natural to question how far they can really go with it, but six or seven solid albums and a World Tour ain't half a bad ride, even if they don't end up going much further than that in terms of impact.
Precisely. Sabaton aren't a gimmick band in the same vein as Alestorm. They have a genuine interest in modern history. And it isn't as simple as war glorification, there's thought and respect going into a lot of their songs. Even a degree of facts and research. Power metal inherently deals with battle and glory, this is a more mature modern take on those core components of the genre IMHO.