SACRED REICH's PHIL RIND: 'The Dumb, Racist A**holes Who Invaded The Capitol Did It To...


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
SACRED REICH frontman Phil Rind has blasted the scores of Donald Trump supporters who swarmed the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday during a violent insurrection, leaving five people dead and forcing the Senate to evacuate. Earlier today, Rind, whose band is known for its socially consious and politically aware lyrics, took to SACRED REICH's social media to write: "I can't believe how many people still don't get it. It's like a lot of you have never read our lyrics or understood them. "We know that our political system is rotten to the core. No news there. But the dumb, racist assholes who invaded the Capitol did it to support the dumb, racist lying President. No other reason. "They are not trying to save America, they are destroying it for a reality show TV host who will go down as the worst President in history. "If you are part of the Trump cult feel free to unfollow. We couldn't give a fuck. "If you can't see the white supremacy that permeates this country I suggest you open your eyes and take a hard look. Read the book 'White Fragility'. But if you dont see it, it's probably because you don't want to. Maybe you should go listen to 'One Nation'." This is not the first time Rind has spoken out against Trump. Last June, he called America's 45th president "a racist, narcissistic, lying conman" whose "act of leadership in our time of need is to run and hide." Five months earlier, he spoke about his disdain for Trump during an interview with Australia's "Scars And Guitars" podcast. He said: "I think he's in over his head. I don't think he's intellectually curious. I don't think he pays attention. He may have some broad ideas as far as just wanting to enrich himself and his friends. But I don't think he's really cut out for it or really knows what it's like to work or to pay attention to people or to listen or to read or any of the skills someone would need to try to do that job efficiently." SACRED REICH's comeback album, "Awakening", arrived in August 2019 via Metal Blade Records. The band's first LP in 23 years marked SACRED REICH's debut release since the return of drummer Dave McClain.

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