SACRIFICE - Reunion Show Video Footage Available


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
For the first time in 15 years the Canadian thrash metal legends SACRIFICE reunited for the Day Of The Equinox II, which took place on Saturday (September 23rd) in Toronto, Ontario at the Opera House.

The band's MySpace page currently has some bootleg video footage from the show available. Check it out at this location. (Click here to open link)

At the show the band's original lineup of guitarist/singer Rob Urbinati, guitarist Joe Rico, bassist Scott Watts and drummer Gus Pynn performed tracks from their classic metal releases Torment In Fire (1986), Forward To Termination (1987) and Soldiers of Misfortune (1990).

The setlist was as follows: 'Forward to Termination', 'Terror Strikes', 'In Defiance', 'Turn In Your Grave', 'Forever Enslaved', 'Afterlife', 'Flames Of Armageddon', 'Necronomicon', 'The Entity', 'Burned At The Stake', 'Lost Through Time', 'A Storm In The Silence', 'Pyrokinesis', 'As The World Burns', 'Sacrifice', 'Soldiers Of Misfortune', 'Reanimation'.

MySpace and YouTube are becoming goldmines of metal (pun intended).
Killer!! All those 80s thrash band have something the thrash bands of today lack. The 80s bands understood that now and then you have change rhythm in a song because it will be come fucking boring if you go ahead 100 MPH all the time.

Alas this is what most of their younger counterparts are doing and this is why they will not succeed.
Hawk said:
Killer!! All those 80s thrash band have something the thrash bands of today lack. The 80s bands understood that now and then you have change rhythm in a song because it will be come fucking boring if you go ahead 100 MPH all the time.

Alas this is what most of their younger counterparts are doing and this is why they will not succeed.


Thta was part of what we were discussing in the LA thrash scene thread. I'm "discovering" lots of old thrash bands and I'm glad some of them are returning or their material re-issued. The new thrash seldom accomplished the dexterity of the old. Thrash is a lot about energy and anger but also harmonies and melody IMO.
Wyvern said:

Thta was part of what we were discussing in the LA thrash scene thread. I'm "discovering" lots of old thrash bands and I'm glad some of them are returning or their material re-issued. The new thrash seldom accomplished the dexterity of the old. Thrash is a lot about energy and anger but also harmonies and melody IMO.

Indeed Wyvern! In the 80s you had what we called mosh rhythms; mid paced heavy tempo's that broke with the high speed of the rest of the song. Listen to Phirana from Exodus and notice how many times they change pace from fast to mid-paced rhythms. The same goes for Anthrax, Slayer, early Metallica and Megadeth, I am sure the regulars here can name dozens of bands that did this as well.

What I find extremely boring about these newer 'thrash' bands is that they know jack shit about what thrash-metal really was. They think that, o yea, thrash was really fast playing, so if we play fast all the time we are a thrash band. Nothing could be further from the truth!

It just laziness and stupidity! If they would take a day or two to listen to the thrash classic they would find out that one 2 minute Slayer song has more dynamics and thus power than 5 Cd's filled with those so called modern thrash bands!

Pew! I had to get this off my chest. When you have to review some of that crap it just annoying! How stupid can you get?
^ Very true.

While I like a few newer thrash bands like Dew-Scented, I must admit they pale in comparison to the classics especially because of that lack of variety and dynamics. Playing brutal shit all the time just for the sake of being brutal ("see, we're so metal!") can get boring in the end.
Fangface said:
^ Very true.

While I like a few newer thrash bands like Dew-Scented, I must admit they pale in comparison to the classics especially because of that lack of variety and dynamics. Playing brutal shit all the time just for the sake of being brutal ("see, we're so metal!") can get boring in the end.

Thanks buddy. Indeed that the heart of the matter. maybe someday some of those bands will understand. Let's hope so. :)