Sad Announcement for Hate Eternal &Dying Fetus fans

Lucy McKenzie

New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2003
Visit site
Members of Hate Eternal & Dying Fetus are currently in the hospital. Both vans got in wrecks along the way from Chicago, IL to LaCrosse,WI. Everyone should recover ok, but Erik Rutan sustained (from what I heard from Chris of Into Eternity)the worst injuries - neck/shoulder & back. He was driving their van when they hit a patch of black ice - the trailer jacknifed and his van flipped over. They are all hoping for speedy recoveries so Hate Eternal & Dying Fetus can get back onto the tour with Into Eternity and Kataklysm.
This just happened this weekend (Friday night/Saturday morning).

I saw the show in St. Paul, MN on Thursday & decided to make the 2 hour drive to LaCrosse to see them again - hey, why not? Besides I told Vince (of Dying Fetus) that I would try to make it to that show. I got as much info as I could from the guys of Into Eternity & Kataklysm when I found out what happened. They were a little uncertain about who else was hurt between the two bands, but they knew Erik Rutan was in the hospital. But from what they heard and from what I gathered, everyone is going to be ok.
fuck! i hope they are all able to recover and play. i dunno what i would do if hate eternal didnt put out another cd
Yeah, I don't know what I would do if any of the guys in Hate Eternal or Dying Fetus were no longer able to play - They're all a bunch of really cool, nice guys and I would also have to say two of my favorite bands - I'm sure they will be ok & hopefully back on the road soon. I also hope that anyone who had planned on going to the show and finds out that they cancelled will still go to see Into Eternity & Kataklysm - They are also great bands and a bunch of nice guys. Plus if anyone can find out about any updates on the condition of Hate Eternal & Dying Fetus from the other two bands, I would like to see it posted here.
Soul_Schizm said:
I hope everyone is ok, and sorry to hear this has happened. It's been snowing everyday this past week, and temperatures have been fluctuating from below to above freezing, leaving patches of ice on the roads in places.

Where you from Soul Schizm?
UPDATE: this was from the web page of the venue where the bands were supposed to perform tonight - The Agora in Cleveland, OH...

HATE ETERNAL is no longer on tonight's show... all the other acts, Dying Fetus, Kataklysm, Into Eternity, and Goatwhore will still perform, and the ticket price will be lowered to only $10.00. If you bought an advanced ticket, you can get a refund by going to the point of purchase. Although, we will still be accepting tickets that were pre-bought.

... so sounds like Dying Fetus is back in the game & hopefully Hate Eternal isn't too far behind them.
Good to know.. thanks.. I hope showplace theatre in buffalo lower their price too.. but I doubt it as they are fucking rip offs.. either way it will be a decent show.. too bad Hate Eternal wont make it.. ah well, i've seen them about 10 times already. Who is headlining now? I assume, Kataklysm?