Safe Home Unplugged


New Metal Member
Oct 31, 2003
okay, most of you will not agree with me on this one. So, i havent heard much of anthrax, however, that new song safe home is crazy!! i heard them play it unplugged on carson daily and it ruled!!! all my friends loved it!! have they ever done all acoutic songs? or any type of acoutic songs... cause that was kick a$$!!! they should do more stuff like that!! They could be larger than life if they got down and did an unplugged performance... i havent heard of such of a thing since nirvana...
Me and Micke (Sorath around here) were watching a stupid show on Swedish TV where viewers get to choose a video by sending an SMS with yer mobile phone to a number. Now normally we wouldn't participate in such sillyness but when we saw an Anthrax video being listed we thought "WHOA, THRASH METAL HOLOCAUST ON TELEVISION!!!!1" ('cause usually all they show is the usual MTV junk ya know) and so Micke sent like two or three messages to vote for the "Safe Home" video. IMAGINE OUR DISAPPOINTMENTS WHEN WE ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE IT. Urgh. I mean, that wasn't even fucking metal, and if it was, it was nu-metal at best. That wasn't even half good. We even had the fucking VCR loaded, hoping to record a good thrash metal video, but nooo. :( Waah.
Safe Home is better electric - and compared to the rest of We've Come For You All, it's not even that great a song. Cadillac Rock Box blows it away!

If you haven't heard much Anthrax you should go out and buy Persistence of Time, State Of Euphoria and WCFYA to see what you're missing. Fuckin' great band! :kickass:

Are you MrBeast too by any chance? :Smug:
MrBeast? Me? No idea who that is. I enjoy thrash metal a lot and I've been meaning to check out Anthrax, I'll probably get "Persistence of Time" some day. When I saw the title of the video on TV I had no idea it even was from the new album (though I could probably have figured that out as all the songs were new.)

Additionally, I had read reviews of the new one that said that it was all aggressive and thrashy and stuff and even had a blastbeat (!?) somewhere in it... So... Imagine my disappointment :p

BTW, the video was of the electric version.
No, not you Erik, I ws talking about Mutt :)

WCFYA does have blastbeats - Charlie's drumming on it is incredible. I have to say, of ANY classic metal band around right now (Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Priest etc) Anthrax are the only band to have really matched their own previous best efforts, and I think even surpassed them. WCFYA is a great record.
Anthrax quickly lost me after Sound Of White Noise. The song "Safe Home" wasn't even good plugged in and it's a shame they hyped it up so much. They still have my respect based on their past, but they're no longer significant in the metal scene.
Safe Home is nothing like their old stuff. They've gone in a completely different direction as of late with their songwriting. Just take a look at the "Madhouse" days compared to what they pull now. Everything's different. Anthrax, like Metallica, have gotten soft.
"Soft"? They have blastbeats on WCFYA and you think they went soft? Tell me one band that still brings out songs like "Madhouse".So they moved on from some of the more metallica thrashy stuff, but they're still as heavy as fuck - listen to Black Dahlia and tell me it's "soft".

Anyway, a song like Cadillac Rock Box may not be super heavy, but it's one hell of a groovy fuckin tune - one of their best ever IMO.
No, don't get me wrong - I fuckin love Madhouse, AIR etc, but thrash is a dead genre so Anthrax have moved on, and I think they're the only one of the big 4 that's actually been succesful musically with their latest record.
actually, the garage sound is not popular nowadays. You mean the feel of the music has gotten lighter. Most bands do not sound like the new Metallica, which is good. Metallica have slowly been falling into suckiness since the album after ...And Justice For All (cant remember name) and now they've gotten so bad that there's no trace of the original 'tallica left in them. whats funny is that they all think that this is one of their 'heavier' albums haha!!!!!
MUTT said:
okay, most of you will not agree with me on this one. So, i havent heard much of anthrax, however, that new song safe home is crazy!! i heard them play it unplugged on carson daily and it ruled!!! all my friends loved it!! have they ever done all acoutic songs? or any type of acoutic songs... cause that was kick a$$!!! they should do more stuff like that!! They could be larger than life if they got down and did an unplugged performance... i havent heard of such of a thing since nirvana...
To answer the question about anyother totally acoustic songs They had one on Killer b's NFB (Dallabnikufesin) if you havnt heard it yet you have to its fukin funny :p
I think Anthrax's newer stuff is good, if not quite thrash. However, I'm a big fan of the Belladonna years, so most Bush material sounds boring and serious to my years. That said, Safe Home is a good song.