Samael- Passage

Flaming Death

It must have been strange
Jul 23, 2002
Century Media 1996
Reviewed for Urkraft Webzine (

Samael is a unique band from Switzerland. Black metal, Space Metal, I really do not know. This album has been in my collection for sometime and I have enjoyed every listen. Once upon a time Samael used satanic themes in their music but on Passage they begin to focus on space and the cosmos, even the album cover is a huge picture of the moon. This fourth full length album is brilliant and will leave you wanting more Samael.

Is this album extreme death metal with lightning fast riffing and drumming? No, its metal mixed with keyboards and synths. Passage is a mostly mid-paced album that never stops and is always enthralling. Samael have further increased the use of synths that began on Ceremony of Opposites. If you think keyboards are cheesy just take a listen to this album. Keys give the music a dark, sometimes industrial feel. Passage is quite an accessible album; this is probably why many consider it their breakthrough album.

This album is pretty unique because it is mostly by two people, Vorph and Xytras.
Vorph provides vocals and is the primary guitarist and Xytras provides all keyboards and synthesizing; even synth drums. This blend of electronic drums and keyboards makes this album a killer listen.

I recommend this album to anyone who listens to any kind of metal. I recommend the tracks Rain, Shining Kingdom, and the piano laced Moonskin as a taste of the whole album. Passage is going to receive a 10/10 because it is a brilliant album that will be in your album collection forever.

Yep, it's great album.
The first song i heard from Samael at this time was the song "Baphomets throne". Then someday i decided to buy the Passage album. It is completely different to the stuff i heard before. But i liked it very much.

It's a very atmospheric album. Today i don't listen to Black Metal and stuff anymore. But Samaels Passage is really thing you shouldn't miss.
I never liked Samael before Passage
I have some albums prior to Passage but never really heard them
when I heard Jupiterian Vibe I was captivated
I loved the way they changed their music and made it evolve into Passage
everything after that album is excellent

and that is definately one of the best albums of 96
TheEmperor said:
This is one of the best albums ever. Nothing more to say.

D'accord! I loved this for years, but when I listened to it last week I noticed that the production has become sucky® when compared to new productions. And the lyrics are ehm, yes they are in English, but actually it is Swiss French directly translated into English (perhaps using the first version of Babelfish?). To make it short: the lyrics are sucky, too.

BUT: it IS one of the best discs released in 1996, right next to In Flames, Therion, Moonspell etc. and I really regret selling my vinyl copy of it. Maybe Vorphalack & Co. will remix/remaster it in the near future.........
why does this kind of remind me of rammstein with the vocals and such? it is an okay album but they use just basic stuff with everything.......kinda gets repetitive, but i like the 2nd cd where it does everything with a piano