
Yeah they are one band I really love. I personally enjoy every one of their albums since Ceremony of Opposites. I actually enjoy the direction they have been going in since Passage, all three albums have been excellent ( Passage, Exodus, and Eternal).

I havent heard any news from the band in a long time- has anyone else heard anything?
One of my favorite bands of all time. Also an EXTREMELY underrated band...I just saw them last September with Strapping Young Lad. Excellent show as always. They supposedly have a new album coming out soon but I don't know the date. Got to for info on the band.
crimsonfloyd said:
Heard one of their songs off Century Meida's firestarter comp... not very good.
I used to have two of Century Media's re-issue releases: Blood Ritual/Worship Him and Ceremony of Opposites/Rebellion... pretty boring stuff by my standards. Maybe a couple decent songs here and there.
$t0n3r said:
Has anyone got any Samael. I got their Exodus album, i think its pretty kick ass. Anyone else got opinions on Samael.

Yah, I got an opinion, it is called:

"I have their Blood Coven album (I think that is what it is called? Am I thinking of the right band?), and would gladly trade it for somethign in your collection...."

Contact me if interested.

My opinion is simply that Samael is one of the most talented bands in metal.

One of those few bands who know how to progress, and still keep their identity. 'Ceremony of Opposites' (one of my all-time favourite albums) is still one of the finest example of how keyboards can be used in extreme metal. Oh bulged tummy woman what a monster of an album this is. And then there's Passage. And Into the Pentagram, pure satanic bliss. And the Alice Cooper cover. Some interesting lyrics too, although it sometimes get a bit too new age-y for me.

I was surprised to see some less enthusiastic comments here, as they're normally praised by most who've heard them. Probably a band you need to really get into before you realize just how great they are, but they're definitely worth it. Highly recommended.
I like Samael quite a bit but revisiting their older stuff now doesn't have the punch it used to. I still listen to Passage, Exodus, and Eternal more than any of them. They just got signed to Regain Records and are working on the new album.
Yeah, Samael are a great band. I own blood ritual, worship him, passage and eternal. i have heard exodus once or twice. I can't say which i like best because they progress alot and it is hard to compare. I think Passage has a longer lifespan than the others. Eternal I found more boring compared to the others I heard, but still really good . Did you guys get Xytras Passage on yours? I don't think it was on the European version I got it on the Australian one, I think it is on the American one as well, not sure. But it is really good.
I think someone said it before, Samael uses keyboards more effectively than any other metal band. Vorph is a wonderful singer as well, his voice fits perfectly with the music.

Well this is yet another band I cant say enough good things about, everyone needs a copy of eternal or passage.
BulletRider said:
Samael is so awesome. my favorite is Eternal followed closely by Passage. IMO though, the stuff before Passage is boring.

The stuff before Passage is boring? Ah, come on. I really like, back when they were still a black metal band. All though I can see how a fan of there later stuff might not like, it's really different.
Gory Elephant said:
Yah, I got an opinion, it is called:

"I have their Blood Coven album (I think that is what it is called? Am I thinking of the right band?), and would gladly trade it for somethign in your collection...."

Contact me if interested.


Blood Ritual.

Samael are one of the most underrated black metal acts (or...used to be). I find their newer stuff to actually be quite good compared to the host of crappy "post-black" coming out of bands these days.