Sampling drum kit in recorderman technique?


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
Hello guys. Could someone please sample a drum kit using the recorderman technique and post here the free samples?


Apparently the people in this forum aren't nice enough. I'm sorry for asking.
I still don't even get the original request. Is the OP looking for individual hits of drums recorded using Recorderman? Looking for a drumtrack recorded that way to see how it sounds?

I'd think that any kit recorded using that technique would need to be enhanced with some close mic'd tom samples, not other hits using OH mics, but that's just me...
This is the way things are going lately. The newer generations are just used to having whatever they want with no effort. Downloading, streaming etc... has resulting in possibly the laziest generation ever.

You realise that to make the samples someone has setup and tune a kit, set up the mics, record it, process it, cut up the hits and then upload it somewhere. Thats hours of work. You want samples of a kit like that? Do what people used to do and make them yourself!
@Russtopher The first one.

@if6was9 The problem is I don't have a drum kit or a friend who play drums or decent microphones for this.
If someone had a kit already setup it would be easy to set 2 microphones, record some hits and give me the raw files.
I wouldn't have any problem slicing them up myself.
It's half what you asked and half the way you asked it.

You never asked if anyone had a kit already up, or was by chance already doing a session with that mic configuration. You didn't say you'd no access to a kit or mics or people who do. You just waded in and pretty much demanded that someone do you this huge favour. You also offered nothing in return for their time and effort- such as some time and offort of your own if you're poor. Then you got cheeky when people had an issue with it. You also never stated what you want them for? Is it for your own use, for a project you're working on, for college. If you'd supplied some of this info I guarantee you would have gotten a much more helpful response.

How old are you by the way, just out of interest?
beyond the silly way of asking, why on earth do you want them recorderman style and not with close mics? I thought recorderman style was done mostly when you didn't have enough mics or inputs to close mic everything?

Yea, I'm confused. Why ask for samples like that?

I'm still unsure of how that micing technique is even useful for anything but a rough demo....But maybe that's just me.
It's not a poor man's drum recording technique, it's useful for rock, jazz, etc. Actually, if I am not mistaken Led Zeppelin have used mostly this technique (well, not really, but The Recorderman is a modification of the Glynn Johnes technique, and they are similar) to capture the drum performance, and I doubt they had problems with number of mic inputs available. Then again, I am sure they were using killer recording spaces.
For metal, sure, it'd hardly give any good results.