
Sentient 6

harmless parasite
Jan 16, 2006
everywhere yet nowhere
Funniest review I've heard of the year the sun died so far....the best Nevermore record since dreaming neon black....short, sweet, stupid but fairly accurate.
I don't understand.


I don't either. The actual review (I guess?) is what was stated in the first post. "the best Nevermore record since dreaming neon black", but I'm guessing you wanted a link to an article if that review was actually in an article of some sort.

Either way, not hearing any samples at all, like bits of the recording process kind of sucks. At this rate, we'll not hear a single clip until the album is actually released.
How about a super cool "making of" video? Show rehearsals and studio footage, interviews of how the reunion all came together. And video of Warrel cooking breakfast with slutty chicks all strung out in his bed. An them he is all like, "bitches, leave" and they grab their slutty clothes and slink away doing the walk of shame.
No that's Dave lee roth - slutty if itd busty I
Bet it's W ...

Anyway another month for the wait in grim and dark songs

Oh well!!
God damn it. I thought The Year The Sun Died would be a new solo album. I don't want another Sanctuary album. Battle Angels, Future Tense and Long Since Dark have always been the only three songs I liked from them. Sigh.
God damn it. I thought The Year The Sun Died would be a new solo album. I don't want another Sanctuary album. Battle Angels, Future Tense and Long Since Dark have always been the only three songs I liked from them. Sigh.

What???? How about "Die For My Sins", "Taste Revenge", "The Mirror Black", and "Communion"????? They might be from a time long ago, but they are forever classics in my book!
Maybe I'll love it since it'll be a modernized version. Would that we had some previews to tell!

But you're right, that was rude. If Warrel thinks this is his best work since Dreaming, who am I to doubt?
God damn it. I thought The Year The Sun Died would be a new solo album. I don't want another Sanctuary album. Battle Angels, Future Tense and Long Since Dark have always been the only three songs I liked from them. Sigh.

Bahaha well then Det Som you should be happy, some have said in interviews that it sounds like another solo record as well. I can understand that because it has the big fucking chorus pieces that permeated PTTWM.
Excellent! Warrel, PLEASE! It's been YEARS since we've had anything from you. The exception being your godly song with Shaded Enmity, the best song you've done since your solo album. Please give us a sample or two. Nevermore is the only band I've ever bought every album from. Do this for me, and I will not forget it, as long as I live. Just let us hear one song. Please?

My favorite memory in my life is listening to your solo album with Liverslapper (Steve Blankenship) as we explored Chicago for the first time waiting on Will, Russell, Laura and Max to arrive for Powerfest. It was the apex of my life, and Your Chosen Misery makes me cry just as much as Dreaming Neon Black.

If you won't do that...and I know this is outlandish, but... Can I pay you to sing on my song "Twilight Umbrage"?
God damn it. I thought The Year The Sun Died would be a new solo album. I don't want another Sanctuary album. Battle Angels, Future Tense and Long Since Dark have always been the only three songs I liked from them. Sigh.

I don't dislike Future Tense, but it's strangely on the lower list of songs I like from either album. My favorites would be (in no real order):

Battle Angels, Long Since Dark, Epitaph, Eden Lies Obscure, Seasons of Destruction, The Mirror Black, Communion and Sanctuary.

I'm not sure there's actually a song on either album that I dislike, but those are definitely my favorites. I also don't really care for some of the really high warbling. It's not even that I think it's bad or anything, but it's just more of "Oh yeah, that's cool in a technical way" to me. I really like Warrel's voice the most when it's either really low or upper mid and he's either using a lot of vibrato, or just holding notes for extended periods.

So I won't really miss the Battle Angel like falsettos if there's nothing remotely like that on the new album. I prefer Tate/Dickinson Dane over Halford/Diamond Dane. :devil:

Bahaha well then Det Som you should be happy, some have said in interviews that it sounds like another solo record as well. I can understand that because it has the big fucking chorus pieces that permeated PTTWM.

Loved your vocals on your solo album, but I hope the new album has a lot more "rockers" on it. Praises was pretty mellow and didn't really have anything really bangin. Although "Equilibrium" was pretty close, and your cover of "Lucretia My Reflection" was addictive as hell.
What vox in what key is in the net - YouTube

Quite interesting what you notice