Santiago Chile, March 18th 2004 - Teatro Providencia


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
Hi Metalheads, here it is the set list of the Chilean show of Hypocrisy yesterday.

The show was great!!! About 800 metal maniacs come to the show, me personally expected more than that, but there is an avalanch of bands coming to Chile these days and the money is not enough, so a lot people had to miss the Hypocrisy show here!!!!!

There were also a lot people kinda dissapointed cause they expected more old stuff, it seems that tehy don't have a clue that Hypocrisy didn't play old stuff in their latest tours, so they went off the show with some anger inside cause they didn't hear more Penetralia and Osculum stuff.

Me personally got absolutely satisfied, well of course it would have been great to hear more songs, but 15 tracks in almost 1 hour 20 minutes was enough for making Chilean people got crazy.

Set list:

1. Born Dead Buried Alive
2. Fusion Programmed Minds
3. Adjusting the Sun :headbang:
4. Eraser
5. Turn the Page
6. Fire in the Sky
7. The Final Chapter (awesome in the clean vocals)
8. Necronomicon (old school guys went crazy!!!!)
9. War Within
10. Slave to the Parasites
11. Reborn
12. Roswell '47 (it was called Chile '47 and the entire theater went crazy!!!)

13. Fractured Millennium :worship:
14. God is A Lie (once again old school guys went crazy!!!)
15. Deathrow (No regrets)

Well, soon it will be posted in Kuravilu Webzine the review of the show in Spanish and Maybe in English, Spanish talkers be sure to chek it out, there will be also pictures of the show, I will post here when they are in my possession so you can contact me to send you some of them:

Pronto el review del show en Español con fotos del mismo, esten atentos a chequear el comentario en:

And if anywant is interested the opening band was Timecode, they did a great job so if you want to hear something of this band just go to their web site:
buuuueeeena nastyjoan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
El show la cago lo mas grande, un sueño
It was a fuckin' amazing show, almost 9 years waiting for the day, it was fucking cool being there with my friend nastyjoan singing, moshing, etc.
could have been a little bit longer, but anyway it was awesome
i went to their show in monterrey mexico yesterday night and at the end one of the guys came down from the stage and talked to the mob, signed everything anyone pushed under his face and took a picture with every overexcited person in sight, really nice of him, which is the only thing i could think of saying when it was my turn :) i had no cam though... :bah:

anyway, the POINT is, he said the crowd in chile was the greatest thing ever and that it was one of the best gigs so far. not too many ppl went to our show.
In Chile they also signed autographs and stuff from the stage, but they didn't come down off the stage, here in Chile that's too dangerous, hehehe, we are too fucking crazy!!!!!
well not many people went to the concert (id say 400 at the most), and he waited until the lights were on and 90% of the people had left
Cool, i know a guy in Santiago, i must ask him if he went to the show. Anyway, they played God is a lie...lucky u, that song kicks ass, i can believe old die-hard fans went crazy ! :headbang: Did u go to Dark funeral's gig in Chile as well ? Some parts of that show will be part of their upcoming new album. must have been killer !
I cannot believe to this, they have played "Adjusting the Sun" fantastic!!!!!!! I hope that they will do the same here in Italy in April.... :hotjump:
Miogaror said:
Cool, i know a guy in Santiago, i must ask him if he went to the show. Anyway, they played God is a lie...lucky u, that song kicks ass, i can believe old die-hard fans went crazy ! :headbang: Did u go to Dark funeral's gig in Chile as well ? Some parts of that show will be part of their upcoming new album. must have been killer !
Yes Miogaror, I also went to the Dark Funeral Gig in Chile, in fact it was so awesome that the guys returned after the lights were on and played Dead Skin Mask from Slayer in that show, it was a gift to the Chilean fans that went crazy that night, they played a lot as far as I remember, I have the set list of that concert if you are interested
Se me olvidaba que se ha subido el comentario del concierto en Kuravilu Webzine, tambien hay un muchas fotos, y pueden bajar un archivo .zip de alrededor de 45 fotos del concierto.
El link a la pagina esta en mi firma

By the way the review is up, you can also download a lot of pictures in a .Zip file, the link to Kuravilu is in my signature, check it out, at least the pictures cause the review is in Spanish only.
Tengo unas cuantas fotos del recital que no estan en el sitio, estas se ven mucho mejor que las que se pueden bajar de Kuravilu si alguien las desea me puede contactar por MSN para mandarselas.

I got some pictures of the concert in Chile that are not avaliable to download in the Kuravilu website these are a lot better than those cause they were taken by a professional if anyone want them contact me for MSn Messenger and I gladly send you them!!!
"de hecho una metalera mexicana me dijo que cuando le pidió un autógrafo a Mikael en el show que hicieron allá el 19 él le dijo que el show de Chile había sido el mejor de toda la gira"

:lol: soy yo?
soy famosa entonces :D