Sara in Mistress


Bef Koning
Oct 31, 2002
Portland, OR
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Just crawled home from Mistress Featuring MiniMurray. F'n rocked! Hope she had as much fun as us Yokels! YOU rock! Hope there are more folk who've caught this tour as well.:headbang: P.S. I love you Sweet Leaf
Just crawled home from Mistress Featuring MiniMurray. F'n rocked! Hope she had as much fun as us Yokels! YOU rock! Hope there are more folk who've caught this tour as well.:headbang: P.S. I love you Sweet Leaf
I think you are the 1st show on the tour. It's my turn tomorrow and Monday :headbang:

*Road Report*

Just talked to Minimurray........errrr..........Loni Iommi, (hehe)! She was stepping out of the Guitar Center and on their way to the venue in Idaho! She said she didn't see a lot of potatoes yet. :erk: DAX, she commends you on your fancy work with your teeth last night! You da man!!!! I'll let you explain this one! :D
I just got back from getting a brand new Canon EOS Rebel digital camera with a one gig memory card. Makes my old Sony that I used to shoot the Maidens look like an AMC Pacer. The camera will lose it's virginity in a few short hours on the Mistresses! :loco:
I'm very resourceful! There were no dykes or strippers around so, you know...I feel odd just standing in the crowd watching. I'm a decent tech and I have a passport. Need some help in Japan?:D Alan? How was it?
Alan? How was it?
Fan-fuckin'-tastic! I caught up with Sara before the show and we got to visit a bit with out a lot of hurry up. The crowd was small but had a very energetic core. I think Sara scarred the shit out of the guitar players in the audience, it was glorious. I don't think they had seen a guitar player rock that hard in a while, let alone her bein' a girl and all ;) There's a place that it supposed to have an open jam night tomorrow on their day off and we're thinkin' Sara would make an interesting plant in the audience to go up and stir things up :D

I still have close of 2 gigabytes of pictures to go through. So, it ma be a day or two. Last night's are definately better. Looking at the owner's manual certainly helped ;) It was also a far superior light show and I found a good reason to dig up that old fog machine I had downstairs. Sara definately owned both nights. She has the undying respect of every one in the place who'd ever touched a guitar. While I roamed about snapping pictures I heard lots of comments of disblief about her playing. They played about 20 songs and after the show I went back the the band house with the band (it was conveniently on hte way home) and hung out and visited with Sara and the others a bit before goin' home. Not sure what we're gonna do today when Sara gets up. The bar that does open jams apparently has closed already. I highly recommend the show to anyone. Now we just need to get the Maidens back up here :D