Sarcastic band names


Aug 30, 2001
Ever come up with a band name that you think would be hilarious, but just have no real reason to actually use? Me and my stupid friends come up with dumb shit all the time. Here are a few of the more memorable ones.

3 Hour Rape Shower
Urethra Franklin (pretty sure there actually bands out there with this name at this point.. seemed original years ago)
Asshole Casserole
Grizzly Beer
Dirty Carpet
Big Tent
Technical Testicles

What are some of yours? :kickass:
i come up with these all the time but like all my Original Jokes i dont really tend to remember them and theyre probably in swedish anyway

ive been meaning to get a Big Joke Book i can fill out but it would require me to carry it on my person at all times for the occasional dumb pun or funny death metal band name i come up with and i dont really think thats feasible
Mitt Romney and the Electrical Abortions
Asexual Turnaround
Water Polio
"Honey I Blew Up an Alligator" (album title)
"I've Got Beer Coming Out of My Eyes" (song title)
Hot Karl and the Glass Bottom Boats

(you may need to consult urban dictionary for this to make sense. if not, you are a sick sick person)