Satan is here!!!

Hahahaha "jazda jazda kurwa kurwa" :D Is that like, "horse horse whore whore"? Awesome name dude :)

I dig the riff that starts somewhere right in the middle of the song, halfway so to speak. It's a nice blend of thrash and death metal, got lots of power.

The drums could be higher though, or guitars could be lower... :)
hehehehehe tnx dude!!
you're almost right with the title heheheheeh!!! but yeah, u can say its something similar to ''horse horse whore whore''....amazing :)

you're right - the guitars should be down a little

AMAZING Guitar Tone and playing!
Tell us what kinda shit you're using to get this, man!
this song is sounding like the good ones from Fear Factory, sometimes like Mudvayne. I loved that distortion, Dino Cazares would be proud!
Moreover Drums are sounding very robotic, without Dynamics and very tight tempo match, IMO... bus still a Pretty Song :)

tnx for a good words mate!
what do u
guitars - toneport gx - big bottom with catharsis awesome impulses
bass - toneport gx
drums - superior 2.0 (kick replaced with andys chimaira sample)

i didnt change the velocity so that's why drums sounds so robotic :) i will try to fix it today.

this sample is just a half of a new song for my band - if u want i can upload a full song (but without vocals yet) :)

thanks and i'm waiting for more comments!!!
Sounds quite Cazaresy in a good way man, I'd definitely like to hear the whole song. Great riffing with a very cool guitar sound!
Drums sounds just abit too loud for my taste, tuning the velocities should help with robotics. Good stuff overall :kickass:
thanks :)
to be honest i dont listen to any of cazares projects :p but he's a amazing guitarist so nice to heard u like my playing!
soon i will try to fix the velocities and upload full song.
