Satch cover


Mar 16, 2010
This is my first serious attempt at mixing a full song with my new rig. It's a cover of Joe Satriani's "The Extremist". Any help in improving this mix would be much appreciated.

Note: The leads consist of only three takes, so pardon my mistakes. This cover was meant more as a mixing and tonal experiment.

Original mix:
"The Extremist" cover

Revised with leads pulled back a bit:
"The Extremist" cover (version 2)
Thanks dude! It's actually a boosted Rectoverb combo.

Guitar chain:
Washburn X50Pro > SD-1 > Rectoverb > Recabinet Orange/SM57 impulse
Man that sounds great. I'd pull the lead back just enough to sit a little further. While with his stuff, and as in all instrumental music, it's the focus, I lost the supporting instruments while the melody was getting it.

overall though, really cool!
After another listen, I definitely agree about the leads taking over. I'll try bumping them down a decibel and see how it sounds, maybe even remove some of the junk low end and see if I can get the rhythm section to come through more. Thanks for listening and thanks for the tip!
Some parts of the leads sound a little "flat" and uninspired, but then again, it's not exactly easy to match up against one of the best lead guitarists ever:lol: and to be fair I couldn't play this better than you (in fact, considerably worse) but I think it could be improved with a few more takes of the lead track.

I didn't expect the Rectoverb could pull off this kinda thing so well.
The rhythm guitar is biting without being harsh, and the lead guitar is smooth, but not too dark.
Only issue is the lead guitar is dominating ever so slightly, but apart from that, it's a great cover in general.
Good to see some more Satch love here
Yea Harry, I know what you mean about the performance itself. I went back and fixed a couple glaring bends and dead notes towards the beginning. But it's still not'd take me some considerable time in the woodshed to get the intonation and phrasing anywhere CLOSE to Joe's playing.

I took you guys' advice and lowered the leads maybe a decibel, then took out some of the garbage below 300 hz. The track has less tension and breathes better now. Still needs some work though. Thanks again for the help.

"The Extremist" cover (version 2)