

Aug 15, 2003
Just some satire written by me that I though some of you may find entertaining:

Why Vote for the Lesser of two Evils?

So, the election is coming up and people will be figuring out who they want to vote for. Some will watch the presidential debates, go to their speeches, research them, yet, in the end, people will vote for who they think is “the lesser of the two evils.” So I ask, “Why! Why should people vote for the lesser of two evils?”
By voting for the lesser of the evils you are just delaying the collapse of the political system. You are just causing further pain on yourself and others. So why would you want to feel pain and hunger? Why watch your children get killed slowly through war? The solution to this is simple. Vote for the greatest of the evils! Not the greater, but the greatest… Satan!
Vote Satan in as president and all our problems would be swept away. We would have no hungry, sick, or poor. Why? Because we would all be dead!
In Satan’s first year of presidency he would declare war on everyone else and would set his armies of hell loose on the world killing everyone. With everyone dead who can be hungry, or poor? With Satan as president there would finally be peace on earth and there would finally be a utopian society where everyone is equal.
As a gift Satan has also pledged that if you vote for him he will give you eternal life as a demon in his army forever living in perfect happiness letting the eons go by without a care in the world. He also promises that you and your family will be part of the last ones to die here on earth. But that’s not all, while you are here you can enjoy unlimited pleasures!
Sounds good doesn’t it? Too good to be true? No! It’s the truth and nothing but the truth.
Satan also says, “To my voters, don’t even try to find another way to solve your problem. It doesn’t matter that the electoral college is not functioning correctly, or that it is only a two party system, or that the only people that can ever become president are rich people who by the good graces of their fathers become well known. No, that doesn’t matter! Take the easy and only solution to this problem. Vote for me! Satan for president. Goodbye. And, Peace.”