Satriani files lawsuit against Coldplay

That's definitely no coincidence but that doesn't mean it was stolen on purpose. The melody is pretty catchy, I'm guessing it came to their heads while listening to the chord progression without realizing they've heard it before.
It's true that it is one of these melodies where you listen to it and think you've heard it before...I wouldn't be surprised if someone wrote a similar melody before Satriani.
That's definitely no coincidence but that doesn't mean it was stolen on purpose. The melody is pretty catchy, I'm guessing it came to their heads while listening to the chord progression without realizing they've heard it before.
It's true that it is one of these melodies where you listen to it and think you've heard it before...I wouldn't be surprised if someone wrote a similar melody before Satriani.

Big +1, it seems like a very common melody - I'm not familiar with these laws though, does Satch have to prove that it was intentional plagiarization, or just that they're similar enough, and what will he get out of it, royalties?
From the article on Yahoo, it says he's suing for "any or all profit made from this song". Good luck with that one. I realllly don't like Coldplay...but this is jus the nature of music, and this type of thing has always happened and always will.
coldplay has been accused of theft before, so it seems alittle shady. Regardless, I don't think satch will win but i could be wrong. The entire song by coldplay is essentially the same progression and the hook is similar to satch's song.
Coldplay do make great music and Satriani is making an ass out of himself. Then again, it doesn't matter if coincidence or not, I'm sick and tired of hearing "he stole this and that". Sometimes I wonder why a lot of people are being upset about this whole "issue". NOBODY owns music EVER. Fuck the 21st Century. Nuff said.
I certainly dont think Satch is overreacting... its so close its ridiculous.

Ive heard of songs with similarities before, of course.. but that's just insane.
Gary Moore just lost a case over "Still Got The Blues" here in Germany. The German band Jud's Gallery (successfully) claimed he had ripped of their song "Nordrach" from 1974 (the opening solo/melody, chord progressions and bass line of SGTB specifically).

Funny thing is: Though recording the song in 1974 in a radio session, Jud's Gallery never released a recording of said song prior to the year 2000! (A decade after Moore put out SGTB)

Said song was only played at local gigs in the mid-seventies and played "at least once" on the (regional) radio.

So basically the court said Moore must have heard the song in the seventies and remembered it when writing SGTB in 1990.

So listen to the beginning of SGTB:

... and compare it to "Nordrach" at 5:23:

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Bah, that's nothing. The intro to Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song is just the theme from Get Smart.