Saturnus working on new album


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
I'm looking very forward to this as they are one of my favorites in doom.

From Blabbermouth...

"Denmark's melodic doom metal masters SATURNUS have issued the following update:

"As you might know, we went through a substantial 're-grouping' last year. Thomas A.G. Nielsen and Brian Hansen are, of course, still in the band handling vocals and bass while lead guitarist Rune Stiassny, who already participated in two European tours, also is a full-blooded member of SATURNUS. We are looking forward to present our drummer and a rhythm guitarist as well when the time comes.

"While we are humble towards the achievements of the past we are at the same time confident that we are able to carry on the flame and create a new SATURNUS album. When exactly a new album will see the light of day we can't say for sure. But what we can say is that we are currently in the process of writing new songs and that we will do some pre-recording for our album this spring. "
Nice, they killed at Chicago Powerfest. They were spot on.
I love Veronica Decides To Die.

Fucking shit. Lately it seems a lot of these posts end up turning into people saying how great this and that band were at Chicago Powerfest, of course after I had known about such and such band. The year I went to powerfest, the one with Iced Earth and Testament SUCKED, outside of the aforementioned bands.
That Powerfest ruled. Hands down. Got to hang out with all the guys in Saturnus after a chance meeting with (now ex- member) Peter at the bar in the Pearl Room. That whole lineup was pretty fucking killer too.

But to keep it on topic, I am a huge fan of Saturnus, and despite their lineup rearrangements, I'm sure that what they put up will be more than just par for the course. One of the best death/doom bands around!
That powerfest definitely ruled and Saturnus blew everyone else out of the water, most likely because they told the sound guy to lower the volume for them. Everyone else just ended up being a bit louder than they should have (enough to be painful at some points) and so they weren't quite as clear.

Being a huge Saturnus fan, I hope for the best with the new lineup. However, with so many guys gone, it's hard to say. We'll see what happens. I do know that the guys who left are working on their own project, but no idea if it will be doomy or deathy or what really.