Satyricon's Now, Diabolical


Sep 9, 2006
What do you think of Satyricon's Now, Diabolical? I recently got it and it's very good, the first 3 songs(Now, Diabolical, KING, and As The Pentagram Burns) are great songs to me, but I've heard them so many times I kinda tired of them, As The Pentagram Burns made me instantly hooked on Satyricon and made me fall in love with thier music and made me want to buy their music, it really opened the door for getting this CD(which I probably should've gotten earlier) and made me get into their black metal stuff and other black metal as well. I ddin't no what black metal was when I first heard Pentagram about a year ago. I got into KING a little later after Pentagram and I instantky though tit was great, Now, Diabolical is the song I listened to so many songs on MySpace and thought it was great too but the following songs after that are good, I didn't like A New Enemy, much at first, but I've really grown to like it s lot more, I'm addicted to The Rite of Our Cross, I love the fast part of the song which brings back memories of their early black metal glory. That Darkness Shall Be Eternal is also a very good song but doesn't match up to Rite but the rock n roll riffs realy are catchy in this song. Delirium, a slower song at first, then turns faster and is a good song and the intro suits the song well, To The Mountains, the epic of the CD, is really catchy for some reaosn, I'll have the vocals sgtuck in my head for a long time if I hear it. And Storm of The Destoryer is a fast good song that does bring back memories of the black metal glory days but not quite as good as Rite does for me. The best songs are
Now, Diabolical
As The Pentagram Burns
The Rite of Our Cross
Satyr's vocals are very good as usual, and Frost beats the hell out of the toms(I think?) in a very good way on all the songs, the buildups and riffs make this a CD I can just sit and listen to from start to finsh.
I don't think it's a great CD, but very good, it's missing a couple things to make it great, but it's very good, I'd reccomend to anyone who likes Satyricon and likes thier evolving sound, post-black metal in a very good form.
I don't care for much for this album at all. I was hoping that in the four years that its been since Volcano, that they'd be able to come up with something better. Satyr is still relatively young and its a shame the potential is being wasted. I thought Frost's performance was mediocre to that he gave in 1349's Hellfire, but also I think the album's production hindered it even more - the drums just don't stand out really. Not a terrible album, but nothing short of mediocre.

It is my least favourite Satyricon cd, though I would never say Satyricon was anything amazing to begin with, they have some good stuff. Satyr's vocals, particularily on Nemesis Divina were great and despite many people, I really liked Rebel Extravaganza in addition to earlier stuff.

Edit: If I wanted to listen to a quality, and modern Satyricon record, I'd listen to Koldbrann's "Moribund" album :lol:
"That Darkness Shall Be Eternal" is a killer song off that album, along with the frist three as you mentioned.
In terms of Black n Roll, its a masterpiece, because it perfected its own genre.

I don't know, I'm not trying to diss on Satyricon but even if its perfected a certain style, I just don't see how its anything great. I can indeed enjoy the album but I'm never left with a considerable impression. I'd probably only score the album a 6.5/10 at its best.
It's the definitive Black n Roll album just as Swansong is the definitive Death n Roll album.

I'd agree about Swansong if it were not for Entombed's Wolverine Blues.

WB is great, Swansong is shit.

On the note of ND, I really didn't care for it, pretty fuckin' awful. I'll give it another listen one day.
I can only assume you're joking, right? :erk:

I don't know, I'm not trying to diss on Satyricon but even if its perfected a certain style, I just don't see how its anything great. I can indeed enjoy the album but I'm never left with a considerable impression. I'd probably only score the album a 6.5/10 at its best.

Are you really as moronic as you seem right now? Here is why the album is god.

1. Structured, well written songs that are all top notch.
2. No filler tracks.
3. No excessive blast beats.
4. Adequate lyrical content.
5. Good vocal performance.
Are you really as moronic as you seem right now? Here is why the album is god.

1. Structured, well written songs that are all top notch.
2. No filler tracks.
3. No excessive blast beats.
4. Adequate lyrical content.
5. Good vocal performance.

I can apply that formula to tons of cds and it doesn't necessarily make it amazing. I'm not saying the album is awful, to each their own, but all I can say is that this album is pretty average in my opinion, not only compared to Satyricon, but everything else that is out there.
Calm down Montu... the album is great, I am not arguing that, I am always one of the first to defend Satyricon as they are my favourite black metal band however people have a right to dislike it... Now, Diabolical is as close to commercial as Black Metal gets with the possible exception of some of the Cradle of Filth's newer work and that is not necissarily a good thing for a genre which is supposed to be incredibly anti-mainstream.
I guess you love it or you hate it, with Satyricon there's no in-between. Personally I think they are unique in the black metal world, they know how to do groovy yet very heavy and dark songs. K.I.N.G. video is one of the best metal clips I've ever seen.
Im gonna have to agree with demonseed, I love how its groovy but yet heavy and dark. Can't get enough.