Savatage live clips online/interview with Caffery

Nov 12, 2002
I'm sure many have seen these clips online recently but I figured I would respost them here since this is the home for this music.
Metal Asylum also just did a rather extensive interview with Caffery where he talks about Savatage, a DVD, TSO, Doctor Butcher, and his new solo album.

A very rare video of SAVATAGE performing the song "Tonight He Grins Again" on the Tampa Music Awards in 1992 has been posted online

'Turns To Me' performed by the line-up of Zak Stevens, Jon Oliva , Chris Caffery , Al Pitrelli , John ny Lee Middleton and Jeff Plate and ‘Chance' here

'Agony And Ecstasy' and "Believe" from the Streets album with the most recent lineup of the band in 2002 which included Jack Frost on guitar here
Well, I've watched the whole segment of Savatage's performance at the Greek festival. I'm convinced that Greek crowds kick ass! :kickass: They seem to be so passionate about their metal! :rock:

With that said, how in the world could Jon watch that and not want to tour with Savatage one last time? It's a great segment in front of a great crowd! THAT GAVE ME CHILLS HEARING THAT CROWD SING ALONG TO ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SONGS, BELIEVE! :OMG:

On another note, is Jon wearing a Queensryche Triryche around his neck? I couldn't tell, but that's what it looks like. :u-huh: