Savatage, TSO, Doctor Butcher, Chris Caffery, Jon Oliva's Pain

Snowy Owl

OSA Co-founder
Sep 12, 2005
A tree in Middletown, PA
I just got into the Savatage family of bands a year ago. One of the best moves I ever made! Their work is pure genius. Jon Oliva reminds me of a mad evil genius who no insane asylum could ever hold. The albums Hall Of The Mountain King, Streets and Dead Winter Dead are all masterpieces.

And the side projects! Doctor Butcher simply rips! The Mountain King lets his sense of humor run wild in this band! Chris Caffery is an amazing guitar player and his last solo record Faces/God Damn War is wierd and wonderful. TSO needs no introduction...people who hate metal even love them. Jon Oliva's Pain's first record 'Tage Mahal is the best album Savatage never made.

Oh...May Criss Oliva rest in peace. :Saint:

Let's talk about the 'tage!
The Dr. Butcher is a little rough around the edges lyrically, and by that I mean harsh, not bad lyrics. Although I DID listen to The Altar on Easter....

Savatage is really an acquired taste. Took me a long time to come around. I mean, the first few records are kind of melodic thrash, then they move into the whole rock opera phase. But really, they are great musicians who do what they do and do it well.
I've been a huge fan for years, as has our singer Nick. I've probably seen them 30 times by now, and played with them at least three. (I can't remember if it's three or four. I should really write this stuff down.) The band's totally changed over the years, and of course no one could replace Criss, but I think some of their more recent output - "The Wake of Magellan", especially - ranks with their best early works. They're a flat-out awesome live band, too, and they're really concerned with the fans - they always stay late chatting and signing stuff for the fans...
Luckily I'm one of those people who continue to listen to those few bands they remember from birth (I'm only 17 and the couple bands I vividly remember between 0-3 are savatage and Queensryche :D ).

As far as Chris Caffery goes.. he could really use a singer on his next solo album :P

Like Jon Oliva!

Grab Al Pitrelli...

Then just pull in Jeff Plate...

Pull Zak Stevens away from Circle II Circle for a bit and get him on backing vocals or lead in a few songs...

Let's not forget John Middleton... (I'll admit, I usually forget bass players and had to look Savatage's up :((( )

Really looks like a new Savatage album to me!
One can dream, right? :/
Thanks to Weazel for waking up this thread! I've been a big Savatage fan since the late '80s and even saw them on the Hall of the Mountain King tour. I love TSO and Jon Oliva's Pain too. I just recently found the Dr. Butcher stuff and it sounds good, but I really haven't had the time to really check it out. With that said, I realized that there was a serious ommission in Matt's (Smowy Owl) original list of the "Savatage Family of Bands." Since Weazel mentioned them, it needs to be addressed. ;)

Circle II Circle!!

Zach Stevens was the Savatage vocalist from Edge of Thorns up through The Wake of Magellan and has an awesome baritone voice! Much different from Oliva's. When he left Savatage he went and formed this band. Now check this out, Oliva and Caffery have a LOT of writing credit on the first C2C album (haven't looked at this for the 2nd and the 3rd is about to come out). Additionally, the band from the orginal C2C line-up is pretty much Jon Oliva's Pain now! :lol: Very incestuous bunch!!

I love the first C2C CD, the second was pretty good too. I have heard from sources that the 3rd is AWESOME! I will be finding out shortly myself. But if you like Savatage sound, RUN to the store and at least pick up Watching in Silence!! You won't be disappointed.

If you really like Zach's voice then you be happy to find that he also appeared on Savatage's: Edge of Thorns, Handful of Rain, Dead Winter Dead (the album that gave birth to TSO), and The Wake of Magellan. Dead Winter Dead and Wake of Magellan are among my favorite 'Tage disks!
a little bird told me that Jon Oliva's 2nd solo disc is going to be JAWDROPPING. :D

Savatage really needs get over this 'break' phase, or at least release TSO - Nightcastle. As much as I love the guys, the Christmas album thing is getting real old about now and they've run out of ideas for it... That said, they're the best holiday show in any town.
Kenneth R. said:
a little bird told me that Jon Oliva's 2nd solo disc is going to be JAWDROPPING. :D

Savatage really needs get over this 'break' phase, or at least release TSO - Nightcastle. As much as I love the guys, the Christmas album thing is getting real old about now and they've run out of ideas for it... That said, they're the best holiday show in any town.

Yeah man, I heard the same thing and being a big fan of the Savatage family of bands, I'm sure I'll like it! I just got ahold of a promo of the new Circle II Circle which has like two full songs and the rest are snippets faded in and out. Soudns pretty cool so far!

I'm not sure if they will. Its been so long since Poets and it doesn't appear that they are in a hurry. I also get the impression that Savatage may be a bit too corporate for Oliva and just doesn't feel like dealing with it. SO he puts out the music he wants to on the side. And yes, where is Nightcastle?!?!? They've been promising that one for ages. That, and a live performance of Beethoven's Last Night. You'd think with the huge success that the Christmas show has been that they'd be worker real hard to tour another time fo the year. Since it wouldn't be constrained by the holiday season they could even do it with one company if that makes things easier.

Totally agreed! The BEST holiday show!!!
I hope that they decide to release another album soon. It's been 5 years since Poets & Madmen.

I saw Jon Oliva's Pain at MetalCamp (Slovenia) and they were pretty good and did a lot of 'tage songs but it's not the same.

Jon did put out a statement saying there were no plans for Savatage to record again.

One of the best gigs I saw was Savatage headline RockMachina (Spain) with Damond Jiniya sharing the vocals and Jeff Waters on guitar.

I was hoping to see Damond sing on their next album, he was recruited as part of the band - killer voice.

Can't believe I just saw this thread now.

Savatage have been my 2nd favorite band for years, and mean more to me personally than any band could ever hope to. The amount of emotion in their music is just out of this world, not to mention the amazing legacy and rich history of the band and all its spawned projects.
I unfortunately got the short end of the stick, being as young as I am, so I've never had the pleasure of seeing them live. I will finally be taking the steps to right this wrong next month when I fly 1,100 Miles down to Florida to catch the opening night of the upcoming Jon Oliva's Pain / Circle II Circle tour! It's going to be absolutely amazing. I'll also be visiting Criss Oliva's gravesite while I'm down there. I can't wait.
Can't believe I just saw this thread now.

Savatage have been my 2nd favorite band for years, and mean more to me personally than any band could ever hope to. The amount of emotion in their music is just out of this world, not to mention the amazing legacy and rich history of the band and all its spawned projects.
I unfortunately got the short end of the stick, being as young as I am, so I've never had the pleasure of seeing them live. I will finally be taking the steps to right this wrong next month when I fly 1,100 Miles down to Florida to catch the opening night of the upcoming Jon Oliva's Pain / Circle II Circle tour! It's going to be absolutely amazing. I'll also be visiting Criss Oliva's gravesite while I'm down there. I can't wait.
Its always fun finding old threads lying around like that! I know its happened to me on various forums.

Very cool! I'm a pretty big fan of the Savatage family of bands too! I actually got to see them on the Hall of the Mountain King tour (and I was right next to the stage)!! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them live again until the Poets and Madmen tour, but I have seen Circle II Circle and Jon Oliva's Pain multiple times (and we've had the honor of opening for both as well). Jon Oliva is an incredible performer and I always have a great time at his shows! He is also one hell of a nice and super funny guy! Seeing Jon doing karaoke last year at ProgPower was awesome too. He sang The Wizard from Black Sabbath and an AC/DC song. It was a priceless moment. I'm looking forward to seeing both bands again this year at ProgPower.

That's really amazing that you are going to FL to see them! Have a great time!

Also, were you at the show we just played at the Croc a few weeks ago?
I only have Hall Of The Mountain King.
It was so good that I don't want to get any other Savatage albums because right now they're absolutely perfect and I don't want to ruin that.
I did, however, track it down on vinyl, because collecting original pressings of my favorite albums is my favorite way of wasting money on retarded things.

I have mixed feelings about the remastering of that album, but no matter what you do to it it's amazing. The Price You Pay, Strange Wings, Hall Of The Mountain King, Legions, White someone who wasn't around in the 80s, that album is what 80s metal is all about for me, because it epitomizes the Bill & Ted sorta wild solos, chugging riffs, and loud loud loud but also is simply amazing.

I'll get some more 'tage eventually, I'm sure. Gutter Ballet, probably. I'm told that Fight For The Rock should be avoided at all costs.

As for the others, I'm only familiar with TSO, who don't really appeal to me.
Its always fun finding old threads lying around like that! I know its happened to me on various forums.

Very cool! I'm a pretty big fan of the Savatage family of bands too! I actually got to see them on the Hall of the Mountain King tour (and I was right next to the stage)!! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them live again until the Poets and Madmen tour, but I have seen Circle II Circle and Jon Oliva's Pain multiple times (and we've had the honor of opening for both as well). Jon Oliva is an incredible performer and I always have a great time at his shows! He is also one hell of a nice and super funny guy! Seeing Jon doing karaoke last year at ProgPower was awesome too. He sang The Wizard from Black Sabbath and an AC/DC song. It was a priceless moment. I'm looking forward to seeing both bands again this year at ProgPower.

That's really amazing that you are going to FL to see them! Have a great time!

Also, were you at the show we just played at the Croc a few weeks ago?

Yeah I was. Croc Rock is basically like 10 minutes from my house, so it was really conveniently located. I would have gone further, I just didn't have to haha. Sorry you guys had to play in the basement. Even the upstairs at that place isn't very nice and the basement is just a toilet. I still had a really good time though, definitely glad I went.