Save the date: Fri Feb 7

Steph Harris

Maidens' Bass
Well, here I go again, shamelessly plugging another South Coast Symphony gig. Fri Feb 7 at 8pm,we will feature 4 wonderful soloists, 3 of whom are winners of the 2002 Concert Artisits Guild International Competition for young players (age 20 and under I think). Anyway, here's the program:
Violin Concerto, Op 77 by Brahms (featuring Michi Wiancko on violin) - this is my FAVORITE violin comcerto, Concerto No 1 in A minor by Saint Saens (featuring winner Grace An on cello) , Violin Concerto in E minor Op 64 by Mendelsosohn (featuring winner Sean Lee on violin) and vocal selections by Verdi, Pucini, and Webber (featuring winner Tawny Triska-soprano). Hope I see some of you there. :)
Heard the soloists for the first time last week. Guys - the singer looks like Brittany Spears and sang wonderfully ... you will also think the cellist is very cute ..and she does a fine job on the St Saens. The youngest winner (well, he looked the youngest) was phenomenol on the Mendelsohn. This will be a very good show..those who go will be very surprised at the playing ability of these young musicians. Michi, the pro soloist we got to do the Brahms should hopefully be at rehearsal tonight. I can't wait. :)
Originally posted by Steph Harris
Heard the soloists for the first time last week. Guys - the singer looks like Brittany Spears and sang wonderfully ... you will also think the cellist is very cute ..and she does a fine job on the St Saens. The youngest winner (well, he looked the youngest) was phenomenol on the Mendelsohn. This will be a very good show..those who go will be very surprised at the playing ability of these young musicians. Michi, the pro soloist we got to do the Brahms should hopefully be at rehearsal tonight. I can't wait. :)

I dunno, I'm kinda partial to the upright bass player ;)
Hey I know that piece! My 1yr old daughter loves it....

It's on a CD titled "Classics For Kids" or something. The entire disc is arranged for Violin and performed by Carol "SomeThingOther".

BTW - Have you ever heard Paul Galbraith's arrangement of Brahms' Op 21A?

He originally transcribed it for the 6-string guitar... but he wasn't happy with the way it turned out - "incomplete".

So he had some bad ass guitar luthier build him an 8-string guitar & viola! His vision came to light...

Now he's like the Jimi Hendrix of the 8-string axe... from what I gather.

I would love to attend the concerto... but I too have Halford tickets. The maestro beckons...

Sooner or later I'll catch one... break a leg.
Haven't heard the recording intended for children. Sounds interesting though. My roommate is a music teacher for elementary school children - I'll have to let her know. I actually have the recording w/Nigel Kennedy. I love his interpretation of the piece ...and he wrote his own cadenzas to boot. I will definitely have to check out Paul Galbraith's version of the Op 21A - always fun to see how people put their own twist on things. Are you sure he's using an 8 string viola? That would be interesting to see. I wish Halford was playing another night. I would like to see him perform but unfortunately, I don't think my concert will end in time for me to make it to his show.
Originally posted by Steph Harris
I will definitely have to check out Paul Galbraith's version of the Op 21A - always fun to see how people put their own twist on things. Are you sure he's using an 8 string viola?

8 string viola! (spewing coffee through nostrils). Did I write that? I ment voilà (wa-la)... that's what I get for trying to write in french. No he transposed it for a custom built 8string guitar.

Originally posted by Steph Harris
I actually have the recording w/Nigel Kennedy. I love his interpretation of the piece ...and he wrote his own cadenzas to boot.

Hmmm - I'll keep my eyes/ears peeled for that... I'll check the archives at my day-gig.

Originally posted by Steph Harris
I wish Halford was playing another night. I would like to see him perform but unfortunately, I don't think my concert will end in time for me to make it to his show.

He'll be back I'm sure... maybe with the Priest.
The Halford gig has 4 bands, including Halford. Testament, Vio-lence and some other band are playing. By the time Halford goes on, it should be fairly late in the evening, so you could probably make it to both gigs without too much stress. :)