Save the Interwebz!


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA

Im in the US, but to all of you in the EU, read that site carefully. I can understand (no, not really, heh) why they'd want to stop illegal activities on the internet, but this is going too far i think.

call your parliament and tell them to keep the internet free!
i have a feeling this might be a little hyped up; but if it stops P2P type stuff im all for it
So it'll be like television where you have to subscribe to certain sites like one would subscribe to like HBO?

That's fuckin gayer than AIDS.

So basically no more pr0n unless you wanna pay extra?
No youtube without extra?

GASP - No sneap forum unless you wanna pay extra?

FUCK THAT.:devil:
i do not believe it to be hype. why the fuck isnt this being reported? noone i know in the EU nor my family in italy has even heard of this. if this law passes in the EU take a guess where it could happen next. I don't know about you guys but i like tracking my packages in fedex online, reading the sneap forum, looking up chicken recipes, and messing around on linerider!
sounds to me, reading through it, that the guy is making a lot of assumptions... and CK, you've played right into them, going by your post. honestly though, for some time i've seen clearly that this would at least be attempted. something has to be done to protect companies that invest millions... and even if you don't agree, that's certainly how the companies feel. is this the answer? i don't know. we've had unchecked freedom basically for some time now... it's only a matter of time before the other shoe drops; governments the world over have a vested interest because all entertainment being "free" doesn't really work out well for tax revenues. this will likely fizzle and die, but it will interesting to see how it plays out.
Well, I'm not really worried, and I skimmed that page in the lightest sense of the word.... So, I gues this guy is banking on most people doing that too.

What can I say I got a lab practical in two hours...
Well it has been the new thing for a while now, to dismiss pretty much everything as conspiracy etc as soon as it doesn't "fit" us. As soon as something might be bad, it's "probably not true" or "probably just conspiracy", because we all live in a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens. Even when we see stuff on TV where 50 people have been shot to death in a massacre, we still continue to eat our dinners and act like it's just a movie... because it's really not happening in our world, because our world is just perfect in our tight little homes.

Anyway, conspiracy aside, I was expecting something like this to pop up sooner or later. This just reeks of desperation... they don't know what to do anymore so they just attack the thing that has lead to "global consciousness". Destroying that is going to be super smart, yeaay for that! Call me crazy but I happen to like to be able to go wherever I want on the net.

Coming up: <sarcasm> The world is getting too crowded to sustain our economy! New laws are currently being looked at, to limit the free air to only those who can afford to pay for it. Those who don't have the money for it will simply die, and make room for those who do. </sarcasm>
I completely forgot that the internet revolution is not a revolution, just like the printing press etc.......
Great points Gojira!

also, even if they did have "good intentions" with eliminating illegal downloading. its naive to think that the companies won't abuse these laws. sure they can filter out torrent sites, midget pr0n, 4chan etc. but i have no doubts the ISP's would filter out competitor's services/products that are not part of thier network. the only way to get past that barrier would be to pay for "extra" service! so its win/win for the ISP's.
Well it has been the new thing for a while now, to dismiss pretty much everything as conspiracy etc as soon as it doesn't "fit" us. As soon as something might be bad, it's "probably not true" or "probably just conspiracy", because we all live in a perfect world where nothing bad ever happens. Even when we see stuff on TV where 50 people have been shot to death in a massacre, we still continue to eat our dinners and act like it's just a movie... because it's really not happening in our world, because our world is just perfect in our tight little homes.

I'd agree in that otherwise plausible arguments do get derailed when someone brings out the whole "you're a conspiracy theorist" bullshit, it's like 'here we go, we're going to paint you as a paranoid schizophrenic that thinks lizards own the earth and who sleeps in his cupboard with tinfoil hat sellotaped over his head'.

Apparently it's always paranoia to question the motives of something, because we're all just totally deranged and it's always "going to be alright" anyway. :err: