Saw Exodus!


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Man great show Tuesday night, played a club here in Orlando--no barricade, stagediving, unbelievable show. I got to the bar about 2:30 just to drink and see friends, turns out I got to watch Gary Holt shredding during soundcheck for about 15 minutes with only about 20 people there. I was wearing my Anthrax shirt at the bar and right before he was done he broke into Among the Living, played the intro and chorus, then gave me the respectful nod before leaving. It was so cool, I was too much of a pussy to go talk to him though:erk: I got to shake his hand afterwards though along with Tom Hunting:headbang:Ended up never leaving, so about 10 hours of non-stop drinking and metal--and made it to work the next morning. Yeah, that's a functioning alcoholic for ya!:kickass:Great show, I love Exodus.
No Pics????
Did you get to meet Lee?
Yeah, it wasn't a "meet" as much as a handshake at the end, he put his pick in my hand because I was going nuts the whole show which was cool, Exodus logo on one side and a pentagram on the other. It will be kept forever. They didn't search at the door so some people had cameras and we all of course had cell phones with cameras, people were taking pictures non-stop. I spent the entire show directly in front of Gary and just felt it would be disrespectful to start taking pics since I know bands are wary of that, so I kept my phone in my pocket. I just enjoyed the show and got some great memories.
Awesome. Would love to see them live but don't hold any realistic hope they'll hit my part of the world ever soon. What sort of crowd size was at the gig? Love TAE:EA. One of the best records of 07.
Awesome. Would love to see them live but don't hold any realistic hope they'll hit my part of the world ever soon. What sort of crowd size was at the gig? Love TAE:EA. One of the best records of 07.
The Haven holds about 200-300 I think, it was pretty packed. Just a neighborhood bar but the best place for metal bands to play in Orlando. We play there all the time, you don't have to have the best demo or management to play there, they support local music big time. MOD will be there next week, I think I shall go again (only 3 miles from my house, so I can get hammered). Hopefully Billy won't punch me:lol:
The Haven holds about 200-300 I think, it was pretty packed. Just a neighborhood bar but the best place for metal bands to play in Orlando. We play there all the time, you don't have to have the best demo or management to play there, they support local music big time. MOD will be there next week, I think I shall go again (only 3 miles from my house, so I can get hammered). Hopefully Billy won't punch me:lol:

Sound great, Enjoy. :headbang:
If you ever see Lee Altus, tell him to get off his ass and release a new album with Heathen!!! We've been waiting two years already! :mad:

It beats the 5 year average wait we have to endure between Anthrax records!