SAW Fans - Read

What are you waiting for....goseeit!

And yes, Saw is good for the masses, to believe that there is an ounce of originality or anything redeemable about those films. Tbh I have only watched the first one, but there wasn't anything scary about the film, or anything suspenseful, or anything surprising about the plot twists or an actually entertaining gore element to the film. ie. The most shocking scene, where the guy saws his arm off, is laughable. Typical Hollywood teen thriller that is way overrated. IMO
It' salright, secon done was not as good as the first.....fucking girl couldn't act (well....not many of the people could, but still...)
What are you waiting for....goseeit!

And yes, Saw is good for the masses, to believe that there is an ounce of originality or anything redeemable about those films. Tbh I have only watched the first one, but there wasn't anything scary about the film, or anything suspenseful, or anything surprising about the plot twists or an actually entertaining gore element to the film. ie. The most shocking scene, where the guy saws his arm off, is laughable. Typical Hollywood teen thriller that is way overrated. IMO

It still wasn't bad for a movie that was made in less than a month.
You hear Saw III grossed $34.3 million or something ridiculous on its opening week? This figure was $20 odd million more than the next highest grossing film of that week...
I don't have much desire to see Saw 3, since I wasn't too convinced by the second one (or even the first, when one really considers it). I heard they're going to make at least 5 sequels in total. Seriously now, it'll be like the Halloween, or worse yet, the Friday The 13th movies of our generation (only less original).
The first Saw had an interesting story and idea. The second was all flash to me. Same with the thrid. i thought the last two were incredibly lame.
After watching the first SAW movie, the second and third had a lot to live up to. I've yet to see SAW 3, I thought SAW 2 was o.k. not as good as the first one though.
One night my dad decided he wanted to watch SAW, and he threatened to kill me afterwards. He never saw the ending coming.