Saw John Mayer Last Night

Scott Horner

Scottimus Maximus
I'm not really a fan of his stuff (I took my sister and girlfriend) but that dude is an absolutely phenomenal guitar player! I knew he was good but had no idea he completely slayed that much. He also gave a six minute speech on the subject of "don't do drugs, just weed" that was pretty hilarious. I still don't much care for his music but I have a completely new level of respect for that guy.
Yeah, this seems to be a common opinion among many people who hate his studio album stuff, but actually see him live.
I'd definitely see him live if I had the chance, because he can ACTUALLY play blues, unlike those wankers that exist in your local pub trying to play Crossroads or Red House for the 100000th time, and it would be cool to catch something different from the usual heavier gigs I go to.
Yeah I've not listened to much of his stuff but is a great guitar player and from shit I've heard and seen in interviews he's pretty funny. I have a lot of respect for the guy.
Dude makes loot, everyone loves him and he's a good guitar dream haha.
Yeah, there actually a few tracks off of Battle Studies that I dig. The cool thing was that even when he played the obligatory hits, he purposely chose not to play them like they were recorded for the radio. He played them in such a way that his band (which was fucking amazing) could have fun with the songs and showcase their talents. He even mentioned how awesome it was that he was able to come play a few hits for 12,000 people and fill the rest of the set with all of the non-pop stuff that he wanted to play. I would definitely recommend checking him out if you get the chance.
His Trio is where it's at. Still holding my breathe for their first studio album, the live album was great - they played a couple of his regular pop songs (Gravity and one other, maybe more) but they played them slower and all bluesy, it was great. I have a DVD of his, probably called "Where the light is" I think, anyway - great performance as expected.
Honestly, I don't really see how much besides "Room for Squares" is at all poppy - it's all very U2/Police style experimental/bluesy rock to me.

You're completely right. It's just that up until now, my knowledge of John Mayer was pretty much the limited to the singles off of that disc and I never rally cared to hear anything else. Now that I've been enlightened, though, I'm going to check out his other stuff.
Count me in - John Mayer is fucking amazing (live and on CD if you ask me). Battle Studies, Continuum and Heavier Things are probably 3 of the most solid albums released in the past decade.

He holds back so much on his discs. He is one of those great guitarists/songwriters that most who see him the guitar is secondary, but if you appreciate great playing he is a real gem.