SAXON Album Ranking - By the Fans


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
What's your personal rank of the albums, what's the best, what's the worst?
Here's mine, but I don't have all albums as you maybe knew (but I don't count "Best Of" as an album here). I did a rating from 1-10 so you can see how tight it really is between them :) And a comment :grin:

1. Metalhead (10) One of the best ever
2. Eagle Has Landed Live (10) Are they really better live?
3. Solid Ball of Rock (9,5) metal I've heard.
4. Heavy Metal Thunder (9,5) Superb
5. SAXON (9) I could never belive their first album were (are) so good
6. Killing Ground (8,5) It has its good songs, but aren't filled with them...
7. Rock the Nations (8,5) First two songs are just outstanding! but the rest isn't so good though.

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
1. Metalhead
2. Unleash the beast
3. Dogs of war
4. Killing Ground
5. Power & the Glory
6. Solid ball of rock
7. denim and leather
8. Forever Free
9. Innocence is no excuse
10. Strong arm of the law
11. Wheels of steel
12. Crusader
13. Destiny

It's interesting that my top three are listet in the same order as the albums were released. I hope that the next album will develop on the base of those three and not 'Killing ground'. Not that KG is a bad album at all but parts of it are sort of a step back to the old saxon style (Biff has said this himself) with songs like 'Coming home' 'Till hell freezes over' and 'You Don't Know What You've Got'
  1. Eagle Has Landed Part 2 (sounds amazing... great set list)
  2. Crusader (sentimental reasons... my 1st Saxon LP)
  3. Killing Ground (stronger than people say)
  4. Metalhead
  5. Unleash The Beast
  6. Eagle Has Landed (great summary of early releases)
  7. Power and the Glory
  8. Heavy Metal Thunder (won over so many new fans)
  9. Solid Ball of Rock (best comeback album ever)
  10. Wheels of Steel
  11. Strong Arm
  12. Dogs of War (starts to bore me, but very nice)
  13. Denim & Leather
  14. Innocense is No Excuse (better than I thought it would be)
  15. Greatest Hits Live
  16. Saxon
  17. Forever Free (1 or 2 good moments, but not much else)
  18. Destiny (decent effort, but it almost killed the band)
  19. Gypsies (a little contrived, but fun)
** I haven't heard Rock The Nations yet, but I do like the songs they play live.
1) Unleash The Beast
2) Solid Ball Of Rock
3) Killing Ground
4) Wheels Of Steel
5) Power And The Glory

Anyone notice anything unusual about these lists? Saxon has got to be one of the VERY few bands on the planet whose newer albums rank right up there with the "classic" period albums. As much as I love these other bands, how many Priest fans will list Demolition? How many Maiden fans would rank their last few up there with Piece of Mind? Saxon is the only band I can think of whose last few albums are every bit as good as their 80's classics. That says quite alot about our boys, I think.
saxon 7/10 not bad for a starter

wheels of steel 8/10 good album
strong arm of the law 8/10 good album
denim and leather 8/10 good album
power and the glory 10/10 top album top production
the eagle has landed 8/10 good live album
crusader 6/10 couple of good tracks but thats it crap production
innocence is no excuse 6/10 crap production on the drum sound songs ok
rock the nations 4/10 the worst saxon album of the lot 3 top songs
destiny 5/10 pritty awfull album blame the american production team
solid ball of rock 7/10 not a bad album
dogs of war 7 or 8 / 10 ok album couple of naff tracks but ok
forever free 7/10 production needed to be lot better
unleash the beast 9/10 top album couldent really fault it
metalhead 9/10 top album only one track dident like which was prisoner
killing ground 7 or 8 / 10 good album needed more up tempo tracks on it
the eagle has landed 2 7/10 tracklisting could of been better for this live album

power and the glory, metalhead, unleash the beast, killing ground, overall prob the best albums for me as in song wise and production heres hopeing for a killer album from saxon this year to mark there 25th ann
The Best:
1. Power and Glory
2. MetalHead (their heaviest?)
3. Dogs of War
4. Solid Ball of Rock
5. Destiny (Christopher Cross rules!!)

And the worst:
Rock the Nations (although I like Empty Promises)
Denim and Leather (Ofcours I love Princess, but the production is the worst)
Ok, not including the live albums or HMT -

1, Wheels of Steel.
2, Unleash the beast.
3, Strong arm of the law.
4, Killing Ground.
5, Power and the Glory.
6, Solid Ball of Rock.
7, Saxon.
8, Metalhead.
9, Innocense is no excuse.
10, Dogs of War.
11, Destiny.
12, Rock the Nations.
13, Denim & Leather.
14, Crusader.
15, Forever Free.

1,Saxon 8/10
2,Wheels Of Steel 10/10
3,Strong Arm Of The Law 9/10
4,Denim And Leather 9/10
5,Eagle 12/10
6, Power 8/10
7,Crusader 8/10
9, Naitons 7/10
10, D........ -1,000,000,000,000,
11,Solid Ball 6/10
12, Dogs 6/10
13 Forever 3/10
14, Unleash 7/10
15, Metalhead 7/10
16,Killing 8.5/10

From solid onwards I have only heard a few tracks(except killing ground). So the rateings go one what I have herad.So when I get round to buying them I might change my mind.
  1. Unleash The Beast
  2. Metalhead
  3. Killing Ground
  4. Dogs Of War
  5. Power & The Glory
  6. Strong Arm Of The Law
  7. Denim & Leather
  8. Wheels Of Steel
  9. Forever Free
  10. Solid Ball Of Rock
  11. Crusader
  12. Saxon
  13. Innocence Is No Excuse
These are just the studio albums I have. Saxon rules and I still hope to be able to see them live in the province of Quebec in Canada someday...
the best saxon albums?
1.unleash the beast
2.killing ground
4.wheels of steel
5.denim&leather/strong arm of the law/power and the glory
8.dogs of war
9.solid ball of rock
10.forever free
12.saxon/innocence/rock the nations
I'd go for

1. The Eagle has Landed PART2
2. Unleash the Beast
3. Denim and Leather
4. Metalhead
5. Strong Arm of the Law
6. Power and the Glory
7. Eagle Part 1
8. Dogs of War
9. Solid Ball of Rock
10. Wheels of Steel
11. Crusader
12. Heavy Metal Thunder
13. Killing Ground
14. Destiny
15. Saxon
16. RnR Gypsies
17. Greatest Hits Live
18. Innocence is no Excuse
19. Rock the Nations
20. Forever Free
Here's mine,

  1. Wheels of Steel
  2. Strong Arm of the Law
  3. The Eagle has landed part 1
  4. Solid Ball of Rock
  5. Unleash the Beast
  6. Denim and Leather
  7. Solid Ball of Rock
  8. Innocence is no Excuse
  9. Dogs of War
  10. Crusader
  11. Saxon
  12. Eagle has Landed Part 2
  13. Metal Head
  14. Killing Ground
  15. Destiny
  16. Rock n' Roll Gypsies
  17. Power and the Glory
  18. Heavy Metal Thunder
  19. Forever Free
  20. Rock the Nations
Alot of you rate Forever free very low but I think it's a bit underrated. OK it can't hold up too the two albums around it(solid ball.. and Dogs..) but songs such as Forever free, Hole in the sky, Iron wheels and Nighthunter are classic Saxon.