Saxon barred from Dubai Desert Rock Festival

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA

I have no intentions of attending, so it has no impact on my life whatsoever. It's not like I'm going to this festival, it being 8,000 miles away, in an Arab country, and the fact that I look both American and Scandavian.

But this still digs into my skin like a tick.

I hate narrow-minded thinking, especially by religious zealots (and if this is also political grandstanding, I hate it even worse). There is a long list of things wrong with this world, but this is near the top IMO. :mad:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
[But this still digs into my skin like a tick.

I hate narrow-minded thinking, especially by religious zealots (and if this is also political grandstanding, I hate it even worse). There is a long list of things wrong with this world, but this is near the top IMO. :mad:

"music should be used to break down barriers and not to build them."

Ya know, I'm growing more and more tired of the thin-skinnedness of the world's people in general.

I work with a Muslim and we've gotten along quite well. We've learned a lot from each other. But when the cartoons flap hit he got completely hacked off and threw away some Danish cookies he had in the house. I'm all about protest and boycott because that's the way to get your point across. When it comes to burning buildings and killing, though, the line has been crossed.

As far as freedom of speech goes, I'd rather someone make their opinions known rather than keep it behind closed doors and in back alleys. It's much easier to find the fools when they open their mouths. What they have to say may be distasteful but better their position be known than unknown.
Mxgonzo said:
But it's O.k. to have Megadeth with a song like Holy Wars.

Damn you steal my line :lol:

Religious extremism is ALL religions is the biggest thread to world peace: hatred, terrorism, war all come from it. The very concept of my deity is better than yours prove that we are the peak of involution. :mad:

Next time anyone wants ot make a Desert festival choose Nevada, Sonora, or Atacama.
Mxgonzo said:
But it's O.k. to have Megadeth with a song like Holy Wars.
I wouldn't be surprised if that idiot who wrote the story on Saxon's lyrics doesn't go digging around in the other band's poetry. My guess if he finds Holy Wars, then Megadeth will get kicked off the show as well.

I'd like to see all the bands boycott this festival. And I don't mean boycott to get Saxon reinstated (they can't go there now, they probably wouldn't leave alive), I mean boycott completely.

Wheezer said:
I work with a Muslim and we've gotten along quite well. We've learned a lot from each other. But when the cartoons flap hit he got completely hacked off and threw away some Danish cookies he had in the house.
That's just ridiculous, throwing away "Danish" cookies. I can't believe that big flap about a freaking cartoon. Then they turn around and publish their own derogatory cartoon. Fucking hypocrites. (I'm not bashing all Muslims here, just the extremists).

I agree with you, Wheez, the one good thing about an outspoken idiot is you know they are an idiot. At least they aren't hiding in the grass like a rattlesnake.
Yeah, I say cancel the whole damn thing. It's total BS. This kind of stuff just bugs the crap out of me. Weather it be muslim, christian, or any other religion. Why can't people worship thier God and leave everybody else worship what they want to?
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
That's just ridiculous, throwing away "Danish" cookies. I can't believe that big flap about a freaking cartoon. Then they turn around and publish their own derogatory cartoon. Fucking hypocrites. (I'm not bashing all Muslims here, just the extremists).

I work in auto parts in the U.S. I once had a customer that was an immigrant from the Middle East return a fuel filter because it had a 'Made in Israel' sticker on the box. "I will not use that product. My country is at war with Israel." :rolleyes:
Puckfiend said:
I work in auto parts in the U.S. I once had a customer that was an immigrant from the Middle East return a fuel filter because it had a 'Made in Israel' sticker on the box. "I will not use that product. My country is at war with Israel." :rolleyes:

Hmm same reason I don't use gasoline it's made in Arab countries :loco:

NP: Pharaoh - 'I Am The Hammer'