Saxon Live in Druten, NL - Sept. 25, 2004


New Metal Member
Sep 27, 2004
Hi there you crazy Saxon fans!

Saxon played Holland again last weekend! :rock:
After the first song Biff said “I don’t know where the f**k we are, but is seems to be somewhere around Nijmegen”. :confused:
He was right, they never played this place called Druten before.

It was a very good show, although the sound was a bit too loud in this tennis hall.
The setlist didn’t match much with the printed one on stage.
The crowd was wild and went crazy. :Spin:
Biff could see he was in Holland because a lotta people were hanging on the bars!
I enjoyed the guitar solos from Nibbs and Paul, and uhhh…..we have to keep this drummer….he’s straight & mean I tell ya! Great!
During the show I held up a piece of paper which said “Dallas 1PM”, Biff read it and waved “later”.
During the second encore I held it up again, whereafter the band started to play this favourite of mine.
My wife’s got “balls” according to Biff, hah, funny! :loco:
The show clocked at 2 hours and 5 minutes and that sure is oke!

The merchandise was nice and prices were fair. Really nice shirts again! Good job!
About 2 weeks ago Whitesnake asked almost double prices for shirts (ridiculous, so I didn’t buy any), Saxon did a good job of merchandise for themselves and for their fans! :grin:
I saw a lotta people wearing Saxon shirts! :)

Can’t wait to cya guys again in Holland next year! :worship:

Oh yea, almost forgot the setlist they played:

The return (the instrumental intro)
Power & the glory
Motorcycle man
Beyond the grave
Flying on the edge
Never surrender
The eagle has landed
Man and machine
To live by the sword
Unleash the beast
To live by the sword (continued)
747 Strangers in the night
Jack Tars
English man o' war
Strong arm of the law
Dogs of war
Witchfinder general

1st encore:
Solid ball of rock
Princess of the night

2nd encore:
Dallas 1PM :rock:
guitar solo Nibbs
Wheels of steel

Thanks for the show! :rock: :rock:

p.s. See some pictures @
Cool, I can second almost everything you said (with the exception of your opinion on the drummer, I'm afraid) photos as well..Thanks for sharing!

Good set list for the true fans, but probably not one to make the casual fans happy as it's all 'new' stuff! But f**k 'em, they should have stuck around! I think it's great to see so many songs not only from the new album, but also from the last few albums. I think I could do without 'Flying on the edge' though!
My thoughts exactly. As Mr Crusader747 mentioned earlier, if you're unable to move on and simply want a greatest hits set, there's always Oliver-Dawson 'Saxon' (provided you don't mind them being sung by Vera Duckworth of course).
I got to admit though, (as I said on Karsten thread), 9 songs off the new album is a tad daft. I remember slagging Dio off when he done 7 new songs off one of his albums! Five songs off the new album, plus stuff from the last three albums, plus some of the old songs would be a good mixture. Not 3 new songs, and everything else pre 1982 which seems to happen! But 9 songs from the new album? Especially with it only being out a week? I just don't want to see muted crowd reactions.
Well, I see what you're saying but let's not forget it is supposed to be the 'Lionheart' tour. Personally I think this album is strong enough to warrant 9 songs in the set list (let's not forget a simliar thing was done during the 'Solid Ball of Rock' tour). Plus unlike say Iron Maiden, Saxon will be playing for around 2 hours, so there will be plenty of room for the classics as well as the new stuff.
Well I had a great time at the concert and it looked like the band had fun playing in Holland aswell.

On stage Biff said "did they make planes overhere?" :grin: I wasn't a good location for it. I think they could have better played at "the Vereeniging" in Nijmegen or "poppodium Hardenberg" or others because of the sound. But it was a great concert!

Quote: "My wife’s got “balls” according to Biff, hah, funny! :loco: "

:OMG: well I saw somebody taking her t-shirt off at the show ....... was that your wife? :grin:
Hey Snakelady, yes she is :loco: :Spin:

And what you say about the location, I agree with you,
they better play Vereeniging or Hardenberg next year,
Hardenberg is always a pleasure to see them play :rock:
