Saxon rumour.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Nigle Glocker will become the drummer of the band (again) after the Budapest concert.

Considering that Jorg Michael will be pretty busy with Stratovarius, I wonder if this is more than a rumour but a welcome home to Nigel.

Anyone hear anything?
Wyvern said:
Nigle Glocker will become the drummer of the band (again) after the Budapest concert.

Considering that Jorg Michael will be pretty busy with Stratovarius, I wonder if this is more than a rumour but a welcome home to Nigel.

Anyone hear anything?

Which version of Saxon is this -- the Biff version or the other one? Or have they gotten all back together again?
sixxswine said:
There's two versions of Saxon? :yuk:

Official Saxon:

Biff Byford
Paul Quinn
Nibbs Carter
Doug Scarrat
Jorg Michael

Oliver/Dawson Saxon:

Graham Oliver
Steve Dawson
and some other people who cares? :ill:

And for the record
  1. Saxon hasn't split up
  2. Only Nigel Glocker will return (maybe)
  3. Graham and Oliver continue with their bastard project
  4. Actually Nibbs Carter is a much better bas player and composer than Dawson, so who needs him back?
Wyvern said:
Oliver/Dawson Saxon:

Graham Oliver
Steve Dawson
and some other people who cares? :ill:

And for the record
Graham and Oliver continue with their bastard project

Actually Nibbs Carter is a much better bas player and composer than Dawson, so who needs him back?

And look at Wyvern lay down some woop ass on the Saxon Tribute band...
Wyvern said:
Official Saxon:

Biff Byford
Paul Quinn
Nibbs Carter
Doug Scarrat
Jorg Michael

That's the one I would have picked as the real Saxon based on Biff's presence alone. I just noticed some stuff on the net a while back that I took as a split rather than Oliver and Dawson leaving.
sixxswine said:
And look at Wyvern lay down some woop ass on the Saxon Tribute band...

What tribute band? :err: Did you ever read the whole affair regarding the name ownership?

It'll be like if Grapow and Kusch made a band and call it Helloween, or if DiAnno and Burr make a band and call it Iron Maiden.

Not tribute band, just a bunch of losers trying to live up on fake and old memories.