Saxon/U.D.O. -- Santa Fe, NM -- 11/16/00

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First of all, I wanna apologize for not posting the concert review I'd like to post. Reason, I had a long review all typed out and ready to post and my PC crashed...lost it all!!! ARGH!!!! The last show of the US tour kicked my ass into next week.

U.D.O. (105min)-- IN ORDER:
Holy / Raiders Of Beyond / Midnight Mover / Independence Day / Metal Eater / (drum solo) / London Leatherboys / Metal Heart / Living On A Frontline / (guitar solo) / Restless And Wild / Son Of A Bitch / Balls To The Wall
ENCORE: Princess of The Dawn

Saxon never disappoints. They came out with piss and vinegar and slayed us all. I couldn't believe how they breathed new life into such staples as "Denim and Leather", "The Eagle Has Landed", "Princess Of The Night" and "20,000 Feet". These guys play as though they're in their 20's. I loved them!! This was my 8th time to see them play live since I first saw them open for Iron Maiden in '83 on the "Piece Of Mind" tour.
Metalhead/And The Bands Played On/The Eagle Has Landed/Motorcycle Man/Dogs of War/Dallas 1PM/Song of Evil/Power and The Glory/Are We Travellers in Time/20,000 Feet/Broken Heroes/Crusader/
Conquistador/Drum Solo/This Town Rocks/Princess of the Night

Denim and Leather/747 (Strangers In The Night)/Strong Arm of The Law /Wheels of Steel

I didn't want the show to end!! I'm still recovering and that show was three days ago. Saxon, you guys rule!!! UDO....awesome as hell!! Comeback to the states. Also, I talked with Udo's brother Peter (he was selling the merchandise for both bands)and told him it would be nice to see his band Vanize come to the US one day. He was freaked out that I even knew who he was. Too funny.