Scald in latest Revolver


blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
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In the latest issue of mainstream metal mag Revolver, there is apage devoted to small synopses of up ansd coming underground bands, most of them the new trend of emo/hardcore and metal. However, on the right hand side of this page there is a small square featuring irish metal band Scald. I was pretty surprised to see this, as I had thought that most of europe were still unfamiliar with them. The latest issue of Revovler with this inside features ungood pseudo metal band My Chemical Romance on the cover.

- Chris
but I could purchase the issue tomorrow and scan it through for all to see. I'll have to remember to do that. It was a small mention, but at least it proves that there are those out there who know and are willing to spread the name.

heh, do magazines rendomly do that and the bands read about it later? That must be fun when it happens.
Christopher said:
heh, do magazines rendomly do that and the bands read about it later? That must be fun when it happens.

which picture did they use, the one of mick with the guitar or the jawbone with screws and nails in it?

I got an email from them at about 2am one night asking if we wanted to be in it, I think a space had come up or something, and to send a photo and a small amount of info
good job I responded quickly or we'd have missed it
if one person goes to the site and enjoys a track then I suppose its worth it

speaking of which there'll be an update on there soon
been tooo fucking busy doing scald stuff to write about it o_O
It was the jawbone with screws & nails picture. It was featured in the revolver issue with NIN on the cover, not that other fad band that was actually featured on the cover of SPIN. My mistake, sorry.
I have the image scanned onto the computer I'm using, I just need somebody to give me a tip on how to get it into this forum. I'm rather poor with technology at the moment.
Christopher said:
It was the jawbone with screws & nails picture. It was featured in the revolver issue with NIN on the cover, not that other fad band that was actually featured on the cover of SPIN. My mistake, sorry.
I have the image scanned onto the computer I'm using, I just need somebody to give me a tip on how to get it into this forum. I'm rather poor with technology at the moment.

i'm sure if you email it to emi he'll sort it

I'm glad they used the jawbone :D

there it is
thats actually a very condensed version of our biog :tickled:

heres a better look at that pic


not related in any way to the vermiculatus artwork by the way
in fact its irrelivant aside from the fact it was taken in our practice room when the other scum were working out some sounds
Nice. I had figured out a way to post that scan through a place online to utilize the URL, but I deleted mine since you've done that and better with the detailed image accompanying the scan.

So, how far along is instrumental ep recording session?
Christopher said:
So, how far along is instrumental ep recording session?

its evolving pretty well, its being mixed, pretty close now..... ish

separatly I've finished the ambient section, now I'm working on the soundtrack mix for the movie, all the animation is done on that and the artwork (which took me fucking months) was finished about a month ago

including the ambient part the full track is around 49-50 mins
so theres a fair bit to take in
I've no idea how people ar going to respond to this
should be interesting
what, aside froma nervous breakdown or three....?

Vermiculatus is one big long instrumental track no vocal noises whatsoever
and none of the performance parts are repeated
we played about half an hour of it and I've made the ambient bit that finishes it from sounds that we made

also theres a short animation that ties in with the concept (vermiculatus B1)
the soundtrack is also mixed from various parts from the recordings but its harsher than the ambient bit

the packaging is a tasty 6 page card folder with an inner slipcase for the disc
the artwork is all painted digitally

there'll also be micro site for all the credits details etc
and maybe some other stuff :)

[I've no idea how people ar going to respond to this
should be interesting]

That sounds quite interesting to me in fact. So basically you're presenting to us a multi media sound installation in the format of a compact disc. I really can't wait. I like artists that tackle their concepts and ideas through various means.

So after this is completed and you have time to rest, will that time be taken? Or there will still be live dates when possible, then ideas recieved for a future record? And that record will not be sponsored by Code666? Sorry for all of the questions,answer all or none if it pleases you.

Christopher said:
That sounds quite interesting to me in fact. So basically you're presenting to us a multi media sound installation in the format of a compact disc. I really can't wait. I like artists that tackle their concepts and ideas through various means.

thats a fair description
but I think it should still appeal on a metal level too
for a long time we've treated what we do as art in as far as everything involved should be part of a conceptual (to a certain extent) whole and we should never pander to anything or anyone, if it entertains too then fine, but thats not a big priority, but we also have to like it and we like big heavy bone crushing riffs too :tickled:

actually creating the ambient parts has felt like painting with sound to me
I know exactly what I'm trying to evoke from myself with it, its quite liberating in a way diferent to pounding the shit out of drums

Christopher said:
So after this is completed and you have time to rest, will that time be taken? Or there will still be live dates when possible, then ideas recieved for a future record? And that record will not be sponsored by Code666? Sorry for all of the questions,answer all or none if it pleases you.



but I'm more than happy to answer your queries

we have already been rehersing material for something else that won't be disclosed for a while yet, I will only say it is a complete juxtaposition to this work, it'll probably be recorded before vermiculatus is released

the code666 deal was specifically only for vermiculatus
we'll be looking around for other interested parties to deal with other releases
or we'll do them ourselves
I still consider scald to be a DIY band, there is no shame in that
but we're very grateful to Emi + Code666 for having the faith in us to deal with what this will be, which is an unknown entity and a seemingly impossible task in terms of marketing, he's done it for his love and respect of new and original music and I really respect that, given thats its probably financial suicide, even with the really positive press we recieve haha :tickled:
I really can't think of a better place for us to be if sometime in the future we work together again, but we'll see how things go

following the other thing we're working on now
we'll begin work on the next full album, which wil be a monster
its been written for 1.5 years, although Pete is still working on the composition
its 3 tracks each around 30 mins long, so that will take some time to get together
it may even need to be released in 2 or 3 stages, we'll have to see how it goes.

there may be a couple more gigs before the end of the year
I'd like to film another for some sort of dvd

we've also got the preheadworm+ anthology of old stuff to put together and try and release. it'll be a special double package..though finances will probably hold that up forever....