SCALD - "Vermiculatus" - Reviews

Ok just to get the ball rolling....not a review but a comment by Russell at Ultimate Metal/Zero Tolerance

"I just watched the video on Vermiculatus. At first I felt dirty, and defiled, then that was replaced with the bizarre euphoria you get after an hour vomiting."

:cool: job done then
not a good one to start with :cry:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dieses nordirische Quartett hat sich laut eigenen Ausführungen dem "Progressive Post-Grind" verschrieben, was ungefähr nichts aussagt. Teils schräges, teils monotones Riffing mit atmosphärischen Semiakustik-Parts, verschachteltes Drumming und viele Wechsel in der Lautstärkedynamik bilden in der ersten Hälfte dieses 47minütigen (!) Stückes das Gerüst, und teilweise weiß einen dieses atypische Stilfreischwimmen auch zu beeindrucken.

Was den Genuss allerdings trübt, ist bei diesem ohne Gesang daherkommenden Werk die eher gewollte, künstliche Attitüde. Das Feeling geht oftmals flöten, denn zu konstruiert wirkt "Vermiculatus". In den letzten rund 20 Minuten wird das Geschehene noch mal in einem Ambient-/Noise-Gewand rekonstruiert, wobei ich schon weitaus aufregendere und zermürbendere Soundscapes zu hören bekommen habe - dies hier wirkt eher dröge und planlos. Man wartet 47 Minuten lang darauf, dass etwas Besonderes passiert und geht am Ende irgendwie leer aus. Schade. Schade deshalb, weil Potenzial da ist und man hieraus mehr hätte machen können.

Eine mit Soundscapes untermalte Animation, "Vermiculatus B1", bildet den ebenfalls eher spannungsfreien Multimediapart dieses Zweitwerks, welches in einer 999er-Auflage im limitierten "Deluxe Oversized Digisleeve" auf den Markt kommt.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wertung: 2.5/5[/FONT]
Judging from their past recordings and from the first reactions, I don't think you will get many excellent reviews, it's maybe too o_O. I at least hope i'll like it, i'll get it in a few days.
Strange we don't see more reviews, did you send lots of promos?

On a sidenote, have you seen that Rakoth seems to be back in business for a few months?
yes we sent quite a lot of demos... but this is a bad period, the summer, the World Cup of Football...

I have no news regarding rakoth, expect the demo Rustam sent me 1 year ago... what are they doing?

Gli Scald sono una band nord-irlandese con all’attivo un solo disco, “Headworm”, uscito nel 2003. Così dopo tre anni ce li ritroviamo su Code 666 con una rinnovata passione per i vermi, il nuovo disco si chiama “Vermiculatus”, e con la voglia di fare qualcosa fuori dall’ordinario.
Tutto ciò si traduce in un disco composto di un’unica traccia strumentale, lunga ben 47 minuti, definita, molto fantasiosamente, progressive post-grind, laddove il grind è solo lo stridente rumore industriale creato dal sintetizzatore di Glyn Smyth. Quindi non aspettatevi Carcass o Napalm Death, e nemmeno le loro covate malefiche come Agoraphobic Nosebleed o Gore Beyond Necropsy, qui ci troviamo di fronte ad un disco che è più assimilabile a certe cose dei Tribes Of Neurot, progetto ambient/industral/apocalittico dei Neurosis.
Peccato che gli Scald non siano i Neurosis e alla fine questo “Vermiculatus” si trasforma in una lunga masturbazione sonora, piuttosto noiosa, mai realmente pericolosa, mai realmente sconvolgente, sebbene non manchino atmosfere apocalittiche e oscure.
Il disco ogni tanto sembra svegliarsi dal suo torpore doomy, con accelerazioni mai troppo violente, e vive di nuances disturbate, di ronzii sinistri, di note di piano inquietanti, ma ripeto nulla che sappia sconvolgermi. Ora non so se il problema sia mio e solo mio, resta il fatto che quando si passa alla parte visiva (eh si, c’è una parte visiva che accompagna “Vermiculatus”) è possibile vedere un video, “Vermiculatus B1”, che riesce ad essere alquanto disturbante, accompagnato com’è da musica di sottofondo realmente angosciosa.
È un peccato che gli Scald non riescano a colpire veramente nel segno, perché tutto il concept, e vi consiglio di visitare il loro sito web, è degno di menzione. La band fallisce nell’essenza del disco, non riuscendo a disturbare i nostri sensi, non riuscendo a dare uno scossone deleterio per la nostra psiche, che forse è già completamente andata…chi può dirlo? Se è così allora lode agli Scald, di cui non sappiamo riconoscere la grandezza, ma se un neurone mi è rimasto, come io credo, questo è ancora in grado di capire che gli Scald sono un mezzo bluff.

rate: 4/10 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Nordirische Freigeister in Sachen Metal sind hier am Werk. Mit einem normalen Album lässt sicher Stoff mal wieder nicht vergleichen. Hier ein paar Stichwörter, die zur Einordnung helfen sollen: 1 Track mit 47 Minuten rein instrumental, nix wiederholt sich im ersten Teil, der zweite Part ist die ambiente Rekonstruktion von Teil 1, ein Videotrack auf CD-ROM (zu sehen sind schwarzweiße Drahtgittermodelle im Stroboskobverfahren) soll das Werk vervollständigen, dazu der Leitspruch im Promoinfo: "It is not necessary to understand, only to be aware". Wer meint, mit dieser Musik sein musikalisches (Bewußt-)Sein bereichern zu können, dann bitte tue er einen Blick auf . Mehr möchte ich an dieser Stelle zu dem Album gar nicht sagen, weil man so etwas nicht bewerten kann, sondern nur dem Künstler seine Freiheiten lassen kann. (eller)

Scald are a truly atypical metal band from Northern Ireland formed by Peter Dempsey (bass), Paul McCarroll (drums), Michael Tierney (drums) and Glyn Smyth (drums). Yep, no vocals, not even samples, which for a heavy band is already quite remarkable, and a daring choice anyway. "Vermiculatus" features a single 47-minute track and a video developing the band's concept, based on the "metaphorical representations of the parasitic worm as psychological states" (to quote the press sheet for lack of further information). I found the audio part really interesting, though not always coherent and fluid. Their label defines them "progressive post-grind", but bear in mind that, except a few blast beats and frantic passages, Scald usually opt for heavy, complex mid tempos - let's say this is more similar to Neurosis than to Discordance Axis or Nasum. The oppressive, sludgy parts are skilfully varied with geometrical breaks - I'd be tempted to use the "math rock" tag if it didn't sound ridiculous or misleading in this context. The weak parts are, for me, the more traditionally heavy metal solos, and, here and there, a bit of baroque pomp - "progressive" in the negative sense of the term. But I'm making this sound worse than it is: it's actually a very nice disc of original heavy music, and personal tastes aside this is one of the most original metal records that I've heard in a long time. The second part of "Vermiculatus" is a sort of ambient industrial re-working of the previous instrumental session: hectic and much more uncompromising than I expected, it suffers from its fragmentary nature, but it's a welcome add to the whole head trip. And finally,the video track ("Vermiculatus B1"): whoah!! It only lasts 3 minutes and a half, but it's brilliant. Imagine high-tech images of mutating bodies, with the worm theme going on. Here, the electronic sounds actually work perfectly, as they merge with the frantic rhythm of the images. Very creative, well realized, and totally deranged visuals; don't expect anything close to a promo clip, or something you could see on MTV.

rate: 3,5/5
some nice comments in there
at least this one has attempted to get into the thing as a whole
the critisisms are fair enough, either based on taste or well considered

can't really say much about the others without an accurate translation
I'm not bothered, except that I'd rather they hated it a little more

This Northern Ireland quartet are new to me, so some research was in order on their past. A quick read and a few downloads later of their previous material tells me that Scald have gone from early stages of grind to a much more progressive outfit. What sets this new offering apart from their more recent recordings is that there are no vocals anywhere on Vermiculatus. Scald have a fixation with the concept of worms and worm-like formations and movements (vermiculation I think the process is called) to such an extent that the band have tried to produce the aural equivalent of the process. Putting this CD into my player and seeing that it was one track of over 47 minutes gave me a degree of apprehension. Scald are not the first band to experiment with 1 song affairs, as albums such as Edge of Sanity’s Crimson, Green Carnation’s Light of Day and Meshuggah’s I, have all tried the idea with varying amounts of success. This album takes you on a vivid auditory experience by trying to encapsulate the listener in a series of soundscapes that progress from simplistic and melodic interludes to skull crushing and truly terrifying assaults on your senses. The instrumental composition is divided into 2 sections, the first part comprising about 25 minutes of unique non-duplicated material followed by a remaining ambient section. Influences are not really relevant as Scald have an inimitable style of their own, but for those needing reference points, there are various traits taken from Voivod, Godflesh, Head of David and indeed the harmonious aspects do remind of Green Carnation at times during the metal section. The album starts off very serenely before the huge, crushing guitar sound envelops you. As the music progresses no part is underdone or overstays its welcome as the musicians interweave their instruments with the synth and sound effects. No one instrument has a dominant edge, but Michael’s guitar work is particularly awesome throughout and worked for me. The metal section closes cleverly as the instruments trail off one by one until you’re left with a basic drum beat that eventually ceases as the synths and sound effects muscle their way in. From here on the listener is taken on a twisting and coiling journey of “ambient reconstruction of the performance part” as the band put it. To fully appreciate the album, especially the ambient phase, headphones are definitely essential as they amplify the feeling of claustrophobia and density tenfold. At times the sound completely encases your head to such an extent that there’s almost a suffocating feeling. Various sounds and effects materialise in different areas with headphones on and made this is much more engaging listen. To finish the whole experience off, there is a three minute animation which is essentially the third and final phase of the concept. What you get is a disturbing rapid fire set of flashing wire frame images of humans and worms as they mutate from one form to another. The transposition of worm and human features is done on an interchanging base and set against a backdrop of creeping sound effects and noises that really gets under your skin. It almost looks like the images are tormenting each other as they intermingle.
I gave this album multiple listens at various times, even putting the animated sequence on repeat whilst listening to whole thing in the dark. This is definitely an album to listen to on your own using headphones to fully absorb the atmosphere the band have created. The release is limited to 999 copies only in a deluxe oversized digisleeve, so if want a unique and absorbing experience then this is for you

Scald - Vermiculatus
Code 666
archiveer onder Doom metal
Evil Dr. Smith
: Het heeft even geduurd, maar bijna twintig jaar na de eerste hausse van zangloze metalalbums is er de laatste jaren weer enigszins sprake van een significante opleving van instrumetal. Waren het in de tweede helft van de jaren tachtig vooral vingervlugge snarenmasturbators die Yngwie Malmsteen onder de gitaarhals probeerden te trukendozen, heden ten dage is het vooral in de zwaardere, extremere metal waar men steeds frequenter de zanger de mond snoert. Bij formaties als Kinski, Capricorns, Dysrhythmia, Mono en grotendeels ook dronedoomers als Sunn 0))), Boris en Hyatari is de zang afwezig, of hoogstens een verwaarloosbaar hulpmiddeltje. In dit rijtje past ook dit laatste werkje van het Noord-Ierse Scald. De band bestaat al een jaar of vijftien, heeft ook de nodige releases op zijn palmares, maar voor mij is dit de eerste kennismaking.

De eerste helft van het 48 minuten durende nummer 'Vermiculatus' (is dat Latijn voor "cellulitis door constipatie van vermicelli"?) is een alleravontuurlijkste kennismaking. Een provisorische, ruw opgenomen ontdekkingsreis van donkere riffs, hoekige ritmes, zompige passages en doomy tribal drums. Veel Swans en Godflesh, maar iets vrijer van vorm en textuur: soms wellicht iets als een wat progressievere, minder extreem zware Khanate. In het tweede deel van die eerste vierentwintig minuten borrelt er af en toe een spastische noiseaanval omhoog dat een lucht uitwasemt dat liefhebbers van Cephalic Carnage en Ephel Duath zouden kunnen bekoren.

Daarna komt de klad erin. De band vervalt eerst in minimalistisch gepiel met spanningsloos gefrunnik aan een gitaarsnaar, een trommel en een piano, om vervolgens te gaan zitten stoeien met allerhande effectknoppen, elektronicashit en digitale vervormers. Dat resulteert in een dik twintig minuten durende oorterroriserende soundscape dat ergens ligt tussen experimentele glitch, vrije expressie, distorted noise, avant-garde electro-jazz of eigenlijk noem je dit gewoon kutten met kutgeluiden. Om hier voor de verdwaalde elektronicanoise-fetisjist toch een referentie op te geven: denk aan de atonaal improvisatiegefröbel op labels als Staalplaat en Hat Hut (eRikm & Fennesz en enkele albums van Banabila en Muslimgauze). Het schijnt volgens de band een wezenlijk onderdeel te zijn van de kunstuiting 'Vermiculatus' die je moet zien als multimedia-experiment waartoe ook een (al even irritante) stroboscoperige videoclip hoort dat op het CD-Rom gedeelte is bijgevoegd.

Het zijn rare, maar fascinerende snuiters. Zoals een heel uitgebreid verhaal op hun site over de etymologische betekenis van hun bandnaam Scald bewijst, waarbij zelfs de link met het Nederlandse woord "schelden" wordt aangehaald. Geen wonder dat Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, maar ook fulltime dope-expert en ex-Exit 13) een van hun VIP-fans is. Freaks unite… Dat neemt niet weg dat hun muzikale interessantdoenerij in het tweede deel te veel het noisy artyfarty-experiment opgaat. Op basis van het eerste deel van 'Vermiculated' is dat verrekte jammer, waardoor het cijfer uiteindelijk terugvalt in een anonieme zone.
Evil Dr. Smith diagnostiseert: 73/100 (toelichting)
same review in english:

Scald - Vermiculatus
Code 666
file under Doom metal
Evil Dr. Smith
: It took a lot of years, but almost twenty years after the first hype of instrumental albums, the last couple of years we could say there's a new interest in making significant instrumental. Where we used to hear all those string masturbators trying to beat Yngwie on the square millimetre of the guitar neck in the late eighties, nowadays it's more the extreme metal wherein the vocalist is strangled. With bands as Kinski, Capricorns, Dysrhythmia, Mono and mainly also dronedoomers like Sunn 0))), Boris and Hyatari there isn't any singer around, and if there's one, he's only used as an "instrumental device". Scald from North Ireland releases an album that you can place in this category. The band exists already since the early nineties, does have a few records released, but for me it's a new acquaintance.

And the first half of the 48 minutes of the sole song on this 'Vermiculatus' (is that Latin for "cellulites through constipation by vermicelli"?) is a very adventurous acquaintance. An provisory, raw recorded field trip through dark riffs, dissonant rhythms, swampy passages and doomy tribal percussion. A lot of Swans and Godflesh, but with a more loosen structure and texture. Sometimes it sounded like a progressive and lighter version of Khanate. In the second part of those first twenty-four minutes there's also an occasional spastic noise attack that should please people who dig Cephalic Carnage and Ephel Duath.

Unfortunately, the second part sucks big time. First the band slows down an started to play some tedious minimal metal on one guitar string, a snare and a piano. Less is definitely not more in this case. After a couple of minutes the band started to push on all kinds of distortion pedals, effect buttons and especially all kinds of prepared electronics. This results in a twenty-minutes long ear terrorising soundscape of experimental glitch, free expression, distorted noise, avant-garde electro jazz and, well, you can call it whatever you want, but it's basically a lot of bullshit. Just fucking with fucked-up sounds. People who are familiar with the most twisted electronic albums on independent labels like Staalpaat and Hat Hut will probably understand what kind of "music" we are talking about (eRikm & Fennesz, and some releases of Banabila and Muslimgauze). According to the band you should see it as part of the art concept 'Vermiculatus', which also includes a just as irritating stroboscopic video animation on the enhanced section of this album, but that's just a poor excuse for this inaudible experiment.

These guys are strange, but fascinating blokes. No wonder that Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, but also fulltime dope-expert and ex-Exit 13) is one of their VIP-fans: freaks unite… But it's still a pity that the second part of 'Vermiculatus' ends up with electronic arty-farty-shit. Therefore the first part of 'Vermiculated' doesn't get the points it deserves.
Evil Dr. Smith diagnoses: 73/100 (details)
Woh, I completely disagree with the second part of this review, the ambient "reconstruction" is really great to listen to, especially (or exclusively maybe) with headphones. I rarely appreciate ambient, but to me, here it's very well done, some sections leave me anguished. The same for the video, even if it makes my eyes hurt. :)

Oh and for rakoth,

Scald aus Nordirland legen mit „Vermiculatus“ ihr Zweitwerk vor. Das Album besteht aus nur einem Song, der jedoch eine Spielzeit von 47:30 Minuten aufweist. Seitens der Plattenfirma wird die Mucke der Iren als Progressive Post-Grind tituliert. Damit hat das Werk allerdings überhaupt nichts zu tun.Vielmehr kann man den Stil grob in die Isis, Cult Of Luna, Lumen usw. Schublade einordnen. Auf „Vermiculatus“ sind weder Blastbeats noch Uptempopassagen zu vernehmen.
Der Silberling wartet mit atmosphärischen Klängen, bei denen sich akustik Parts mit Powerriffing abwechseln. Das hört sich alles interessant an, zieht mich allerdings nicht so in den Bann, wie die Alben der zuvor genannten Bands. Mag auch daran liegen, dass kein Part des Songs wiederholt wird und somit die hypnotisierende Wirkung entfällt, die gerade emotionale Mucke diese Prägung ausmacht. Der zweite Teil des Songs besteht aus einer Rekonstruktion des ersten Parts im Ambientstyle. Dieser Part haut mich allerdings auch nicht vom Hocker, da man so was bereits auf vielen anderen Veröffentlichungen bereits besser gehört hat.
Trotz allem ist „Vermiculatus“ kein schlechtes Album. Die Jungs verstehen ihr Handwerk und lassen zu keiner Sekunde Langeweile aufkommen, auch wen ganz auf Gesang verzichtet wird. Auch die Idee Saclds, einen solchen Song zu schreiben ist sehr lobenswert, da sie mit so einem Track keinerlei kommerziellen Ziele verfolgen, sondern ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen.
Das auf der Cd enthaltene Video unterstreicht den künstlerischen Aspekt der Band. Drei Sterne für die Mucke und ´nen halben für die Kompromisslosigkeit ein


Het gebeurt niet dagelijks dat je een metalband uit Noord Ierland voor je kiezen krijgt, en zeker niet eentje zo apart als Scald. De heren bestaan al sinds 1993, maar het is pas sinds dit album dat men onderdak gevonden heeft bij het Code 666 label.
Begonnen als een crust/sludge/thrashy achtige band is men langzaam aan geëvolueerd in een wat progressieve grindcoreband ten tijde van hun vorige album Headworm. Op Vermiculatus is hier echter weinig meer van te bespeuren. Vermiculatus is namelijk vooral een erg ambitieus (en ook lichtelijk pretentieus) 47 minuten lang instrumentaal stuk muziek dat je het best kan omschrijven als een mengeling van post/prog-rock en doom-metal.
Dat is echter alleen het eerste deel van deze muzikale reis. Halverwege dit album slaat het namelijk compleet om en men eindigt met ambient/noise dat door moet gaan voor een reconstructie van het eerste deel. Verder staat op dit album nog een cd-rom noise track met een vrij bizarre videoclip.
De band laat verder niet veel los over het concept van het album, maar het kan gezien worden als een wormvormige parasiet die dient als metafoor voor verschillende psychologische staten. Volgens het bandstatement is het verder niet nodig het concept te begrijpen, zolang je er maar bewust van bent.
Vrij zware kost dus dit Vermiculatus, vooral het laatste stuk kan niet echt de aandacht vasthouden en is duidelijk alleen geschikt voor de avontuurlijke luisteraar. Het haalt de eindscore voor dit album dan ook wat naar beneden. Maar al met al is dit een erg interessant project, vooral het eerste gedeelte is zeer de moeite waard.
Score: 78 / 100

In circolazione dal 1993, ma approdati al debutto soltanto nel 2003 con “Headworm”, i nordirlandesi tornano con un nuovo prodotto che consiste in una sola traccia di oltre quarantasette minuti e una traccia CD-rom, il tutto accompagnato da digisleeve CD di lusso limitato a 999 copie. Il brano, strumentale a differenza del platter precedente, è privo di titolo, e nelle sue innumerevoli variazioni della prima parte spazia dall’avantgarde estremo, al prog complesso, fino a includere il post-grind e lo sludge/doom, senza ripetere strutture già proposte, mentre la seconda sezione è una ricostruzione ambient della parte suonata. Non c’è un vero e proprio concept, perché il quartetto non intende farsi capire, ma soltanto rendere partecipi di condizioni emozionali e neurologiche trasmesse attraverso il verme parassitico che da il titolo all’album. La contrapposizione tra generi è perfettamente eseguita, e in questo caso merita assolutamente una citazione l’ingegnere del suono, che non ha fallito il mixaggio neanche una volta nella gestione dei vari passaggi di stile, ma anche di volume e suoni; nemmeno un secondo sembra fuori luogo o messo a caso, e alla fine di questo pesante CD vi sembrerà d’aver appena terminato un viaggio solitario lungo un mese in una grotta per scoprire il significato dell’Apocalisse e dell’aldilà. Un plauso al mastodontico e certosino lavoro del trio, mentre l’operato conclusivo di Glyn Smyth va al di là di ogni aspettativa: un assolo di synth frammentato da effetti sinistri e clangori cibernetici ossessivi per venti minuti fanno sì che questo disco sia apprezzato non solo dai metallari più evoluti, ma anche dai clienti abituali della Old Europa Café e delle sue ramificazioni. Di certo non un genere per tutti, ma esiste qualcosa di valore che lo sia?

Autore: Marco Ganzerli
I just ordered this from The End, and I better be happy with it or I'm coming after both of you guys. :mad:

*waves fist menacingly*
circus_brimstone said:
I just ordered this from The End, and I better be happy with it or I'm coming after both of you guys. :mad:

*waves fist menacingly*
I reckon you'll dig it Jason
drugs might help...
y'know like some asprin for after


Hey Emi, Michele just told me we got 5/5 in Rumore magazine in Italy

this is good yes?
