Scar Symmetry - Dark Matter Dimensions

Vicious Robbie

Faithful Neon Dreamer
Everyone was worried with the departure of Christian Ãlvestam from the band. I was too. He was truly a gifted vocalist that could do both the clean and guttural vocals with ease and great tone. Yet the band did the next best thing by hiring two vocalists and I have to admit that I like what I hear so far. I like it even more than Holographic Universe and for a band that has released 4 records in the last five years I don't think they have even had a tremendous dip in the quality of their material. Jonas and the guys bring forth some of their most catchy choruses yet to date (first single Noumenon and Phenomenon is a clear example) and the band doesn't miss a beat. The album is not perfect, there are about two or three songs I don't like much but that's not bad at all in an eleven-song album. If you dug their other records you will like this one for sure. For those that cannot stand cookie-monster vocals at times, you may want to avoid them, even though they are very melodical (that's for my man, Wyvern, out there, hehehehe):loco: