I have to say liked a few songs on Dark Matter Dimensions so I'm not bias toward the Avelstram era. I've listened through twice and its enough to keep me interested. The riffing is all still there, but in all honesty they are getting a bit stale. I will give it a few more runs and see if it continues to grow on me.
I have to say liked a few songs on Dark Matter Dimensions so I'm not bias toward the Avelstram era. I've listened through twice and its enough to keep me interested. The riffing is all still there, but in all honesty they are getting a bit stale. I will give it a few more runs and see if it continues to grow on me.

Unfortunately these are my impressions as well, though I just got it today and am only halfway through it thus far - also, the kick could be louder IMO, but otherwise it sounds fantastic
DMD felt a bit hasty to me. The new one is much much better. It's not the same without Christian, but the singers are getting the job done, and the songwriting is still there indeed.

Nothing good since Pitch Black Progress

Holographic Universe was the best in my book. One of my favorite metal albums ever.
Ooh man, I have to say, despite the absolutely hilarious lyrics and title, "Rise of the Reptillian Regime" has some great stuff going on in it :headbang:

Unfortunately, though, I feel like the solos have really gone downhill, too much wanking and not enough soaring tasteful Per-trademark leads - I can't always tell who plays what like I could on the other albums, but I feel like all those boring hyperspeed harmonized shred (and pick-tapping) licks are probably Jonas' doing, he should really stick to rhythm/writing/engineering (which he rules at, I never really liked his soloing on the other albums either)

EDIT: The solo in "Domination Agenda" is Per in top form, however :worship:
Haven't listened to it and don't know if I'll buy it or not... I only like 2-3 songs from Dark Matter Dimensions. I preferred the Christian Era, especially HU.
If you think of Scar Symmetry in terms of being a new band now and not SS, the album is awesome. However, if you are expecting to hear stuff like on Pitch black progress or HU, you will be disappointed. Just my 2 cents. Overall I really enjoy it, I think it's better than Dark Matter Dimensions for sure -- it sounds like the 2 vocalists had a chance to settle in to their role and contribute more on this album.
I kind of think of them as a new band as well. I like the album though I get bored after the first few songs. The lyrics are retarded. Seriously.
New album is pretty cool, but yeah it has been downhill since PBP.

Actually, the new one is a step up form DMD, the vocalists really nailed it this time.
Just finished listening to the newest album for the 5th time... I'm actually thoroughly enjoying it. Do as others above have said; try not to think of it as Scar Symmetry, but something different, because it definitely is. Massive step up from Dark Matter Dimensions, the vocalists have nailed it this time.