Scar Symmetry parts with singer


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL

Damn!! This sucks!! :cry:

The band is done! :erk:

They'll never find a replacement for Christian...he's the best death/power metal singer out there, IMO. No one else I've heard can do the frequent gutteral death vocals & also the clean melodic power metal style vocals as good as he can.

Whatever new band he joins will be quite lucky...can't wait to see where he ends up.
On one hand this sucks, but on the other it does solve the whole "if they don't do something different with their next disc I'm done with them" conundrum. I'll check out whatever that happens to be with whomever they get to take Christian's place, but I suspect it will pale in comparison.
the new disc is something different, it's really, really bad. Hope this band dies up and maybe he'll join something better.
Apparently, they figured out the solution...two singers. ;)

Judging by the short clip in the news posting, they may actually pull it off. Although, it's not nearly as impressive as one guy being able to do both as well as Christian did. They've unfortunately lost what has set them apart from other bands of this style.

Should be interesting...will definitely go check them out next time they come through.
Yeah I saw that last night. This should be interesting if everything is in its place. I mean it would suck if one guy was singing while the other is telling people he wants to see some "fukin moshin".
If you have more than one person onstage with mics talking over each other, then you might as well call it a rap concert. :lol:
Yeah I saw that last night. This should be interesting if everything is in its place. I mean it would suck if one guy was singing while the other is telling people he wants to see some "fukin moshin".
If you have more than one person onstage with mics talking over each other, then you might as well call it a rap concert. :lol:

Not the brightest idea having two vocalists in Scar Symmetry, IMO. Not diggin' the clean vox. If I wanna hear that kind of clean singing I'll listen to a different kind of band. :Smug:

I miss Christian already.