SCARPOINT : rerecording (heavy content)


Yogurt as Lead3rs
Mar 2, 2012
Bordeaux (FRANCE)
HI guys. I assume that everybody here knows Scarpoint, or at least Ola Englund (fearedse on YouTube)
(if it's not hte case, check this

I rerecorded a part of the track "Ugly", from their latest album ("The Mask of Sanity"), again for training myself and improve my mix skills.

Used Pod HD Pro for guitars (engl model) with my Agile 8 strings (Dimarzio D-Activator pickups).
Experimenting sample layering on the kick and snare, all within S2.0, but using the Metal Foundry, Evil Drums, and Avatar kits.
I've also tried to "scream" throughout the song (one of my first time recording it)

Any feedback is appreciated, as usual, about my mix, as advices, issues, questions, anything :)
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