Scars, tatoos, or piercings?


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I have a burn scar on my right thigh. When I was a few months old, I was dropped on the radiator and burned. I've had the scar since then.

I don't have any tatoos or piecings, but I was thinking of getting my ears pierced and an Opeth tatoo sometime in the future.
I wish to implant myself a tongue barrel. I almost did but the guy i know does it for free told me he does any piercing i want but tongue piercing. So im saving ( i have been for the past year and still have 0 a truly patetic saver). I also always wanted to get 2 mirrored but identical tribals that cover all my forearms and reach my fingers but i have always been affraid i could never find a decent job wich such tattoes.
i have one tattoo and i want some piercings but i don't have any money.. my tattoo is not even finished :cry:
and um.. i used to be a...err.. cutter so i have lots of scars, plus i'm a really stupid cook, i always cut or burn :rolleyes:
I have 2 tatoos and want more when i get money.
I have one on the side of my left leg under the knee going down to my ankle of a sord of tribal design.
I have Morpheus (Neil Gaiman's Sandman) on my right leg. I have been thinking about getting all of the endless all over my right leg and have them connected by a background of weird looking outer space type stuff (when i get the money of course)
i got a scar above my left eye where one of my "friends" hit me with a big plank of wood when i was a kid :D i really want some tribal tatoos, my dads got loads of tatoos, he spent some time in asia and got loads done there, they all look kinda shitty and faded now though which is why i think i'd only ever get tribal designs done, nothing too detailed...
I'll go ahead and say it: Tattoos on guys are fucking sexy. :rolleyes: :D Yeeaaaahhhh.

And Belial, you might be impressed to know that Evisceratrix has the Opeth logo on her arm. Very cool. I just wish my name was "ophelia" or something -- that, and I wish I wasn't such a wuss. I'm scared of the pain, but I've wanted to get one for a long time. I've just never known what to get. Maybe I'll get the Opeth "O" in 5 years if I'm still listening to them (which of course I will be). By then it will have been a lifestyle, and I won't feel silly. :p

I have eight piercings in my ears, but nowhere else.

I have a small scar on my hip where a "suspicious" mole was. And I have a scar on my right-hand pinky finger, making it too fat for cute little rings. :tickled: My dog is responsible for that one.
I have four rather sizable on my shoulders of roses, one on my lower back of a fairy surrounded by foliage (an inspiration from Brian Froud), a design covering my outer upper left arm that one of my friends drew and a moorish design that I found in some book on my inner left forearm. I of course will be getting more. The next one that I have planned will be an anatomical heart (over my heart) with veins spreading over my upper chest and entwining with the roses on my shoulders.
I also have four piercings in each of my ears and my nose pierced and too many scars to count....

Oh....and as far as the OPETH 'O' is concerned...although it is really nice, I have seen more than a few people with it, so it's not necessarily an original tattoo. But, if you don't care about having something permanently on your body that other people have then I guess it doesn't really matter does it?
I have my right eyebrow pierced ,,, and I want my tounge done ,, for certain reasons :lol: , I was fairly close to getting the Opeth logo thingy enlarged on my right forearm ,,, but then I became sober .
I have a scar on my right elbow about the size of a guitar pick (average size pick) from beer bottle glass ,, and I have various slice's on several body parts ,,, ,
Well I just have 6 piercings.. 5 on my ears (3 on left-2 on right) and one on my nose.. and I want one more on my lips.. that will be my last one if I ever decide to do it :p
I was thinking about getting a tattoo.. I've got a really close friend of mine owning a tattoo studio.. he'll do it for me really cheap.. but I guess I'm not prepared for that yet.. I just wanna be sure about the drawing.. maybe in 3-4 years :)
A scar across the palm side of my index finger knuckle----------when I was in college, I was in the lounge of my dorm playing ping-pong. The kid I was playing with slammed it, and I backed up and put my hand against the wall (with a cork board on it) and missed the shot. I picked up the ball to serve it, and the kid pointed to my left hand which had the ball, and asked me how I was bleeding. I looked down, and saw the blood dripping from my closed hand, but didn't really feel anything. I opened the hand, and there was a cut and inch-and-a-half long, clean down to my knuckle. Well, it was 11:30PM on a Sunday night, so I went to the infirmary at the school. All I remember was this 4-ft. high Indian (not the native American kind) doctor. She took out what to me resembled a fish hook and a novacaine needle 2-ft long. She poked me 8 times with the novacaine, waited a few minutes, and began to stitch me up with the fish hook. Well, the novacaine never took, so I grit my teeth and sweated a lot. When I finally came back to the dorm, the R.A. was there with a few other people. It so happened that some sick fuck had put a brand new old-fashioned razor blade in the cork board with the blade side out. Obviously, when I backed up, my hand went on the blade. I guess being so new and sharp, I felt nothing (clean cut). Well, the R.A. ultimately snuffed out the culprit and beat the crap out of him.

A scar on my inside right wrist - an inch long - with 2 small circle shapes at each end----------when I was around 10, I was climbing a chain-link fence. When I got to the top, I lost my footing, but my right hand was already over the top, and my wieght pulled me down. My wrist went right over the top of the fence where the v-shaped sharp points were, and I preceded to get stuck with the fence through my wrist. I was there for over a half hour until I was discovered by someone living near-by. The called the fire department, and they came and lifted me off.
oh yeah.. I've got a scar on my ehm.. that fat finger of my left hand.. I just tried to cut a lemon with a HUGE knife when I was younger. And then I saw my finger on the floor :pP Ok it was not on the floor..

I was trying to cut the lemon on a table :pPP
I have one on my forehead from ramming my head into a coffee table when I was five.

I was riding in the passenger seat with my friend in his gokart around the neigboorhood when I was about eleven, and we were at a cul-de-sac when some kid that was about sixteen pointed at us and started charging us, My friend accelerated really fast and turned sharp, I was tossed out the passenger side, I landed on my arm and scraped it pretty badly, then my friend ran my legs over and left tiremarks on them. I got up and started running back to the gokart to get away from the guy charging us, who was now laughing his ass off, my friend later told me he thought the engine fell off :lol: I told my parents I fell off my bike so I could still go on the gokart :eek:
You want scars, I've got some for you. I have a scar on my elbow from when I crashed a go-kart. I have a dent in my forehead from when I fell into a radiator at the tender age of six. I have a scar on my chin from when I fell on a pool deck and broke my jaw, and finally I have a scar on my leg from when I was cut by fishing line. That's all of them, I think :lol:.
scars and tattoos, yes, piercings, no. i had regular ear piercings but i bet theyve grow up by now. i lost an earring one day so i just kinda quit wearing them.

most of my scars are on my elbows and knees from skateboard falls.

as for tattoos-i have the opeth o (i was certain other people would have it when i got problem :) )
one on my calf of my cat (that i drew)
and an ankh on the back of my neck. now that is way more unoriginal than the opeth o! haha. i got it on the spur of the moment. :p. but i still love it.

does anyone have any opinions on this 'scarification' body art thing people do? like chemical burns and tattoo-gun scarification? that shit is great for other people....but it horrifies me! some of this stuff at
bmezine just makes me sick to look at. talk about pain....<shudder>....

those were some intense stories metalmancpa! wrist impalment! blah!
Lets see, I have my tounge pierced and various ear piercings...
I used to have my lip pierced but took it out for work... :cry:
I am also getting a tatoo on the small of my back, in the middle.. a little pattern tribal thing. I'll prolly scan it and put it up later...
I also have a scar on my leg from play fighting with my dog, that'll teach me..!

I think that's it... :p

I know it doesn't look like it.. but there's my tounge... :lol: :lol:


  • tounge.jpg
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Hahahaha! I skipped ahead without reading your post, Saphira, and I was like, "Why the hell is this whore posting a picture of her breast????" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gee Lina, I did not know you thought so highly of me... :p

... And I can't quite make it out as a breast... :confused: