Scary movies

Stealer of Dreams said:
I've yet to see a scary movie that actually scares me. Any suggestions?
I've found "The Changeling" with G.S. Scott to be pretty good. Helps if you've seen it and your date hasn't. :)
Other than that, probaby Episode I for the 723,491st
Lord of Metal said:
"The Blair Witch has disturbing imagery also."
I hated that movie. It was just plain terrible.
My wife and I decided to watch it on pay-per-view. There were a couple of disturbing things in it, but the rest of the film just felt lacking. About 2/3 the way through, we both wondered aloud when it was going to be scary. I think my bias going in was that I was pissed because the original trailers basically made it out to be a true story where they were piecing together the film unearthed x years later. Lying wanks.

Just watched "Below." It's not all that scary, really, but there are some good creepy scenes. Might want to look into that.
I thought Blair Witch was terrible too. Could've been soooo much better. House of Leaves ripoff


Frailty was pretty decent. Had a hell of an ending

Man Bites Dog wasn't scary but it was a fucking awesome movie. It's about as "black" as black comedy gets. Very dark and shit. It's done like a documentary about a guy who goes around killing people. There are so many freaking murder scenes (that are all real too)

there aren't really a lot of "scary" movies out there.
I did not say those movies were scary, I said they were disturbing, the imagery.

Fallen is another really disturbing movie I quit enjoyed.

I think we are all too numb to violence & too jaded to really be scared anymore.
i went to the local store named "The Snallygaster" the other day to find a shirt with a picture of a Snallygaster on it.. but all there was was a pink sweatshirt... apparantly its not a big seller anymore since the Blair Witch thing has died down

whatever that means...

that's what we get for living in Blair Witch country :Smug: