Scary Sick Nasty Vocals (metalcore mix)

wow dude, the high end on the OHs is killing my hears, bring it down a notch!

i think the mix is lacking some low end too, but otherwise, you've got a good balance going on here.

Just touched it up to its final form.

Specs by request:

L/R GUITAR: Gibson->EMGs->TS808->LE456->ASEM LECTO + God's Cab (M3 room 2)
Center Guitar: TSE 1.5 (contour) -> s-preshigh
Bass: TSE B.O.D. -> Eden 4x10 57 A107 impulse -> C4
---Real OH + Cymbals
---SSD: Kick 10 + Abs. Rock Snare + Metal Toms

Vocals: SM58 -> Hard Compression, -35dB threshold, 0ms attack, 10 ms release -> Echo/Reverb
---Also, bounced the entire vocals into a new track, offset the L and R channels by 30 ms (for a stereo panning effect), and lowered the pitch 3 semitones, this was running -7 dB behind the original vocal track (adds crunch)
what is that dani dude talking about? those OH's sounds like they're hipassed at like 5khz or something, maybe it was another mix. liked the intro alot!