Schenker Pattison Summit - The Endless Jam Continues
Mascot Records - M 7108 2 - 04/03/2005
By Patrick Walsh
Fans of classic rock are going to drool over this. Schenker Pattison Summit features none other than Michael Schenker (The Scorpions, UFO) on guitars, Davey Pattison (Gamma, Robin Trower) on vocals, Aynsley Dunbar (UFO, Whitesnake) on drums and bassist Tim Bogert (Jeff Beck, Cactus). It's fairly clear that these fellows are no novices to what consitutes a rockin' tune, and The Endless Jam Continues certainly reflects this. What's on offer is basically eleven tracks of rerecorded 70s rock classics, everything from Cream to Clapton really, and they're quite good for the most part.
The fleeting radio listener will no doubt have heard many of these tunes on the radio at some point or other, and the versions contained herein are mostly faithful renditions of the originals. This begs the question of course, of what exactly the point is in this release? Well, a couple of the tracks contain extended sections and the like, such as their version of Clapton's famous 'Layla'. Schenker hams things up by noodling away on his guitar for an extra few minutes, which really doesn't add anything to the song whatsoever except for an extra long solo which we could have done without. George Harrsion's 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' is probably the highlight here, a sublime and emotional slice of blues rock, and Cream's 'Badge' is also a nice addition. The whole thing reeks of the 70s too, which is definitely a good thing, and wel,l if you're a sucker for good classic rock played to perfection then you could do a lot worse than to check this one out. Or you could probably find the albums that feature the originals at a budget price somewhere, the choice is yours. But Schenker fans, don't assume this is an album full of Scorpions outtakes or originals or you'll be sorely disappointed.
Official Mascot Records Website
Mascot Records - M 7108 2 - 04/03/2005
By Patrick Walsh
Fans of classic rock are going to drool over this. Schenker Pattison Summit features none other than Michael Schenker (The Scorpions, UFO) on guitars, Davey Pattison (Gamma, Robin Trower) on vocals, Aynsley Dunbar (UFO, Whitesnake) on drums and bassist Tim Bogert (Jeff Beck, Cactus). It's fairly clear that these fellows are no novices to what consitutes a rockin' tune, and The Endless Jam Continues certainly reflects this. What's on offer is basically eleven tracks of rerecorded 70s rock classics, everything from Cream to Clapton really, and they're quite good for the most part.
The fleeting radio listener will no doubt have heard many of these tunes on the radio at some point or other, and the versions contained herein are mostly faithful renditions of the originals. This begs the question of course, of what exactly the point is in this release? Well, a couple of the tracks contain extended sections and the like, such as their version of Clapton's famous 'Layla'. Schenker hams things up by noodling away on his guitar for an extra few minutes, which really doesn't add anything to the song whatsoever except for an extra long solo which we could have done without. George Harrsion's 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' is probably the highlight here, a sublime and emotional slice of blues rock, and Cream's 'Badge' is also a nice addition. The whole thing reeks of the 70s too, which is definitely a good thing, and wel,l if you're a sucker for good classic rock played to perfection then you could do a lot worse than to check this one out. Or you could probably find the albums that feature the originals at a budget price somewhere, the choice is yours. But Schenker fans, don't assume this is an album full of Scorpions outtakes or originals or you'll be sorely disappointed.
Official Mascot Records Website