Scott Clendenin joins Chuck in the afterlife


Jul 31, 2004
The darkest part of your soul.
Unfortunately, bassist Scott Clendenin joins Metal legend Chuck Schuldiner in the great unknown as he died today at the age of 47. 'The Sound Of Perserverance' will rule forever though.
I wish I knew too. It's sucks when a public figure dies and nobody outside of his family really knows. All that does is lead to speculation. At the end of the day it's their own business, I guess.

So, if they weren't murdered by somebody it really just comes down to:

1. Accidental death (car, heart attack, etc).
2. drugs
3. suicide
4. suicide by drugs

That really covers the whole spectrum once in gets down to it. Just a shame because if you can cover Di Giorgios bass parts then you are a mighty player. RIP.
It could be Natural. Heart Attack falls in that category. Would be considered Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.

I work deaths for a living.
