Scott Ian: Anthrax's Singer Issues Paved the Way for the Damned Things

Makes sense that this band wouldve never happend if it wasnt for the issues with Don Nelson..

God, not only did Don Nelson fuck up Anthrax, he helped form The Daymned Things. He fucked up 2 big times.

Sounds like Scott was so emotionally damaged that Don was gone, and John turned him down that he had to go drinking with a few emo fags in LA and express his feelings. Next thing you know he is playing with emo fags in a band. Weird how ones emotions can do horrible things.
Wow. That's a little harsh. I'm frustrated with a lack of a new Anthrax LP too. When I first heard of the damned things I was intrigued despite being associated with fall out boys. Upon hearing them, I'm simply not impressed. No one is raving about them except the members in the band. Their strongest compliments have been, bluesy, decent rock. Decent doesn't make me want to buy/get/steal this album. I've only heard 2 songs though. Also, the lack of a new anthrax LP is souring me enough to spite the damned things.

Random question for those who question Bush era Anthrax's heaviness. How can you listen to a song like Nobody Knows Anything and say it's not metal?
Wow. That's a little harsh. I'm frustrated with a lack of a new Anthrax LP too. When I first heard of the damned things I was intrigued despite being associated with fall out boys. Upon hearing them, I'm simply not impressed. No one is raving about them except the members in the band. Their strongest compliments have been, bluesy, decent rock. Decent doesn't make me want to buy/get/steal this album. I've only heard 2 songs though. Also, the lack of a new anthrax LP is souring me enough to spite the damned things.

Random question for those who question Bush era Anthrax's heaviness. How can you listen to a song like Nobody Knows Anything and say it's not metal?

I don't think anyone is saying that Bushthrax wasn't some form of Metal. I have only said that the SOWN album was an obvious attempt at them trying to be more Grunge and capitalize on that form of music. Even though most think I am crazy, I don't consider SOWN to be a full blown metal album. More of a dark, heavy hard rock / grunge album. But sure it has some metal elements to it. Put in POT that is metal. But overall Bushthrax was metal, just not good metal imo.
Most of the criticism is towards songs like 'Bare' and 'Toast to the extras', basically Stomp 442 and Vol 8 in general, but I like Vol 8.

But Stomp was just bad.
I never liked Bare. Volume is a good album buy IMO their least strongest Bush era album. Much like SOE, great songs on it but overall not the complete package.
Random question for those who question Bush era Anthrax's heaviness. How can you listen to a song like Nobody Knows Anything and say it's not metal?
answer: i can't even listen to that song although i tried countless of times, i have to admit that it's a heavy song and yes, i would categorize it as 'metal' but IMO the songwriting is piss-poor. the drumming is great but great drumming alone doesn't make a great song. i think the chorus is pretty uninspired, repeating the song title several times with hardly any melody can't hold my attention (like the weaker Overkill-choruses in their early days), just my opinion.

i think that Thrax's songwriting went downhill during the Bush era, SOWN is a great record (one of their best ever), Stomp is listenable but a bit too formulaic and missing Anthrax's trademark sound completely. Vol. 8 & WCFYA are the weakest efforts of their career songwriting-wise IMO. Vol. 8 contains nice grooves here and there but beside that there is nothing exciting for me in terms of metal, not a single riff that's fascinating me on the whole record, it's lacking heaviness and there is no real direction to be found. WCFYA contains only a handful of fine songs and it fails in terms of heaviness, 'What doesn't die', 'Nobody knows anything' & 'Black Dahlia' are heavy but what about the rest? if you primarily listen to pop, rock/hard rock then this could be a heavy record for you but if you are a real metalhead primarily listening to Thrash/Death/Power/Black Metal or HC/Grindcore then WCFYA is as heavy as Frank Sinatra, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga or 90's Metallica.

i'm not anti-Bush or pro-Joey (John's vocals on 'White Noise' are impressive), it's just that i prefer Anthrax's older material because i'm into faster & heavier stuff, i'm not a big fan of heavy-rock, midtempo-rock, country or groove-rock unless it's well executed and strong and in Anthrax's case it's not because it sounds forced (i can imagine Scott's evil grin recording those songs).

i didn't want to share my opinion on Anthrax's music of the last 16 years ever again but i just had to answer that question. i think Anthrax-fans should be like one big family, like brothers. who said that brothers can't have different opinions?
now i'd like to read Maidenboy's opinion on Bushthrax because he never shared it with us fellow board members. hey Maidy, tell us what you think about Stomp, Vol. 8 & WCFYA?
now i'd like to read Maidenboy's opinion on Bushthrax because he never shared it with us fellow board members. hey Maidy, tell us what you think about Stomp, Vol. 8 & WCFYA?

Well since you ask...I think those albums are brilliant. They make Among The Living, Spreading The Disease, and POT seem like watered down emo albums. Anyone who thinks the Joey era Anthrax albums were better than these are fucking idiots. Hope that helps. The song writing is brilliant. Volume 8 is just an all around classic album. I think it will be known as the best Anthrax album ever made, that albums defines Anthrax. It quite is possibly one of the best all around Metal albums of all time!
when i heard 'Toast' for the first time in '98 i became so disappointed and upset and wanted to smash that f****ng cd into pieces. Anthrax as a recording artist was dead to me but they are still my fav. live band. i felt betrayed and fooled, how could they release a song like that under the name of Anthrax? i have been using Vol. 8 as dust collector since then, awful cd.
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IMFan09's fav Anthrax song of all time from his fav album of all time:

Yeah, I'd honestly take The Damned Things over this garbage. I put the Volume 8 CD in a few months ago when I had an hour drive to go somewhere. I honestly couldn't handle it. I really tried to listen to it with an open mind and all of that. But I found myself getting seriously disgusted as it was so bad.
when i heard 'Toast' for the first time in '98 i became so disappointed and upset and wanted to smash that f****ng cd into pieces. Anthrax as a recording artist was dead to me but they are still my fav. live band. i felt betrayed and fooled, how could they release a song like that under the name of Anthrax? i have been using Vol. 8 as dust collector since then, awful cd.

More than me. I threw the thing out the window of my car. I only have a copy now because I burned it. I downloaded it a few months ago to try and give it another chance. But today now that you reminded me of it, I will be donating the burned copy of Vol. 8 to the streets and I will throw it out the window like a Frisbee. You know its a bad album when you don't even want to keep a free downloaded version. There have been hundreds of CD's I have donated to the streets in the past 10 years or so. The Anthrax's Stomp and Volume 8 were 2 out the 100's that you can find on the streets that I have used as frisbees. I am sure some bum somewhere has my original copy of Stomp and Vol. 8 :headbang:
Someone on this board other than Trashard loose is time by reading this guy???? He always said the same boring things!
Have you listen to POT blablabla, Bush is bad blablabla, Belladonna is god blablabla, Rob beanie and purple guitar is gay blablabla, Bush is grunge blablabla.
He never said constructive things, always bitching. Excuse me but I cant stand him no more!
Every one on this board have something that is special, and said interesting things and are class act!
This guy is the only one (maybe 6er too, but it's pobably the same person) who is always negative about everything other than is own person and ways of thinking!
But this guy never have an intelligent conversation, always bitching people who dont share is point of view!!
It's sad, because is post used to be interessant to read!
Excuse me for my English!