i think the timing here is important. Scott posted this after Phil's apology video. I think this points to the inadequacy of Phil Anselmo's words. Something more, something deeper needs to be done. I like that Scott is calling for Phil to dig deep into his pockets. It's a cliche - politicians and celebs say or do something inappropriate then go on Larry King and cry and beg for there forgiveness. But ultimately I'd like to see Phil actually talk more about what motivates him to make these outbursts.
Already people are pointing out Phil has black friends. Phil has spoken somewhat eloquently about Katrina (a hot button issue that exposed quite a bit of racism in other discourses). And most recently Phil spoke concisely about the meaninglessness of confederate flag. So what is the deal? Is it a sort of nihilism - Phil has flirted w. Charlie Manson, black metal and, hey, its metal, he's such a misanthrope he's gonna say "white power?" Or is Phil a racist?
Certainly Flynn's video implies that Anselmo's dropping N words left and right backstage. One can only imagine Scott and Anthrax who've toured w. Pantera extensively (and love hip hop) would know.
At the end of the day I'd like to see metal grow up a little bit. Growing up in Brooklyn in the 80s most white kids I knew hated hip hop. And there was a lot of racial tension and racism in the scene and in the City at that time. Bands like Anthrax, Biohazard and others stood out starkly in the scene. It was very clear anthrax were overt anti racists. They were a breath of fresh air. I am proud and psyched to see Scott speaking out here. and I hope people use this as an opportunity to grow the metal community in a positive way.
horns up \m/