Scott's tour diary 14-03-03


Jan 9, 2003
West Sussex
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London 14.3.03
It's the nicest day I've ever seen in London. Not a cloud in the sky. A good omen?
Frank, Rob and I woke up and went straight to XFM to host a two hour guest DJ set for their Rock Show. We played everything from AC/DC to Dimmu Borgir to Refused to Faith No More to UFO to Napalm Death to Down to Sabbath.
It's a killer show. Stay tuned to the XFM Rock Show for details on when it's going to air.
I had press all day. That's the norm in London. It's OK - that's why we're here. As far as I'm concerned, we can't do enough press in the UK. If there's one thing I'm not worried about right now, it's overexposure in the British mags. I see no reason for us not to be featured in the so-called rock, or alternative press.
Throw out your preconceived ideas of the band and just listen the record we made. That's all I've ever asked from anyone. Fan or journalist. Just listen to the record. And then come see us live.
I'm not modest at all when it comes to our live show. We f**king rule.
I'll put Anthrax up against any band. We'll play with any one, any time. Like the marines of metal. First ones in, last ones out, and we kick every face of every ass that comes to see us.
Which brings us to the sold out Astoria. The final night of our first full UK tour since 1996. I wish we were ending here tonight because I don't know how the French, Dutch, Germans, Italians and Spanish are going to live up to the UK crowds.
The Astoria last night was the best crowd we've ever played to in London. For real. The best London crowd ever. Even a bunch of our "arms folded jaded journalist type" friends from London and elsewhere agreed. It didn't seem like a London crowd. More like a Glasgow crowd for sure. The pit never stopped. The energy never lacked. For me, the stage and sound also felt incredible. My feet couldn't touch the floor.
My over developed for my size "Rollins like neck" was in full involuntary headbanging effect.
I will never forget this show. It was as special as the Hammersmith Palais in 1986.
Our trip here was fantastic. I hope to see all your smiling faces again late this summer on some festivals.
Anthrax will be back soon Britain. It was a privilege to play for such amazing audiences.
On behalf of the band, I thank you once again.
See you soon,
Well he definitely says they will be back soon!!!!:D:D