Scream for me Powerfest fans!!!!!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Where is everyone?
Prog Power is now over.
Let's get the ball rolling and the excitement brewing for Powerfest 2007!
Sure it is half a year away, but so what?
_Wes said:
Are there bands confirmed yet?

Bands schmands. A bunch of us would still go even if the only thing making noise was the air conditioning fans .... just to drink and hang out with each other! Lots of really cool people to be found. :)

But if I had to guess, I'd say, oh, Ion Vein and Twelfth Gate are are probably a lock. Ha. My amazing powers of prescience have spoken!

Yeah, I've been watching this forum for not quite 2 weeks now and nobody has made any movement.

Anyone else get sick from PP this year? I did horribly at PPV, noticeably at PPVI, but didn't get nasty until today (presumably from PPVII). Of course... I got home to iowa right around 11:30pm sunday, just to fly out to california 6am monday... multiple jet lags and germs from 4 different airports, who envies me now? :D

I'm intending to spit out a well articulated powerfest questionnaire when I get home and can think about things better. I saw Lotesto all over the place at PP, but never went to ask him... he doesn't draw the kind of attention to himself as someone like Lance King or Urban Breed*, so I figured I'd better not annoy him with my petty interrogation.

*I have no problem with Lance or Urban, in fact I think they are very cool guys. I just find Lotesto's (perceived) modestness very respectable, so I did what I would have wanted done to me.
Quick update...

Looks like we are very close to getting a new venue lined up for next year...and trust me, you will NOT be disappointed!!!

Also, we have started contacting bands, and we'll keep everyone posted...but don't expect any band related info for at least a few weeks.

We have also been discussing a band sponsorship type thing, and as soon as we have some more info for you, we'll let you guys know right away.

Please be patient...hehe.

Take care guys!!
Also, just to clarify...more so for the next fest, then ever before:

The "Power" in Powerfest is simply defined as...strength; might; force; energy; for kicking fucking asses!!! :p

And NOT Power Metal!!! That's not to say that power metal will be completely excluded, but it will definitely not be a dominent genre for 2007 or ever again. There are enough other such fests in the US now, and after this year's Powerfest, it has become very clear to Chris, John & I, that in order for us to even consider continuing this fest, some major changes needed to be made.

So, I'll leave that for you guys to ponder...hehe.
Oh no!!! Will I have to practice my spin kicking for next year?
also, please tell me no bands that look like below will be present:
Maybe something more toward the thrashier side of things...:headbang:

I haven't been to Powerfest yet, but am seriously considering it this year. I know enough people who go, so it would be great to get a chance to see them again before next Sept.:kickass:
Jasonic said:
also, please tell me no bands that look like below will be present:

I would like to extend that ban to any band who looks like a bunch of punks who are on their lunch break from Blockbuster.

Of course, that wipes out about 95% of the bands from Headbanger's Ball. :saint:

metalprof said:
I would like to extend that ban to any band who looks like a bunch of punks who are on their lunch break from Blockbuster.

Of course, that wipes out about 95% of the bands from Headbanger's Ball. :saint:


And wipes out about 85% of DragonForce's crowd!
Jasonic said:
And wipes out about 85% of DragonForce's crowd!

Hey, I happen to LOVE DragonForce!
But yeah, the DF concert I went to was full of a bunch of posing pantywastes.

A lot like the Iced Earth concert I went to back in 2002... In Flames dragged in a lot of riff raff, and when they played their older stuff (ala Jester Race), few people were getting into it... probably because most of them were in diapers when the good shit was out.
MEFlyingV said:
Hail All!

M.E. from Overlorde checking in

How about having Overlorde perform this year? We played Chicago in 2005 and it was a great show.

Hey dude.
I have heard good things about you guys, though I haven't heard for myself.
I am familiar with Bobby from his work with Seven Witches.
Only thing I know is that the promoters are trying to shake the "power metal" label that the fest currently has, but you never know.
BalanceofPower said:
I for one would like to see Buckethead perform at this upcomiong Powerfest.

Is this the one-time Guns & Roses guitarist who wore the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket on his head?

Hrmm. . and I get crap for being a Dragonforce fan! :lol:
Jasonic said:
Is this the one-time Guns & Roses guitarist who wore the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket on his head?

Hrmm. . and I get crap for being a Dragonforce fan! :lol:

Yes he did play in GnR for a tour or two. Have you heard his real music though? If you are into insane guitar player that is like humanly impossible to play then you should check him out. My favorite album is Monsters and Robots.
BalanceofPower said:
Yes he did play in GnR for a tour or two. Have you heard his real music though? If you are into insane guitar player that is like humanly impossible to play then you should check him out. My favorite album is Monsters and Robots.

No, I have not heard his stuff.
I only know the name from his brief stint in GnR.

I am very curious to see what direction CHICAGO POWERFEST goes this year.
I can completely understand what Rob is saying in not wanting it to get the tag of being a "power metal" fest, though at the same time, it was having bands like Lefay, Tad Morose, and Nocturnal Rites perform that put the fest on the map.