Screamer/Singer Wanted - NS*


Alchemy of Time
Hey guys, my band is looking for a metal vocalist. If you are in the area of Saratoga Springs, NY (40mins away from Albany), and are looking to vocalize for a band, then we are it!... maybe...

A good vocal mic is preferred if you have one, no other equipment would be necessary. Your own transportation is necessary. Drug use not preferred (beer, pot, cigs, excluded).

You can check out our stuff here;

You can contact us here;

*NS - Not Spam - This is a post from a real band looking for a real vocalist.
A comment on the links: The Inital Collpase is the best, the other two are pretty good but I really don't like the drum tones they have... they sound too... in your face.
"The Initial Collapse" is the newest song recorded with our newly acquired equipment. Hopefully we will continue to produce a better sound as we learn to use it. The drums are in dire need of some TLC, we plan on changing all the drum heads in the near future and really try to bring out a much better sound. Thank you for the listen, we appreciate it.
"The Initial Collapse" is pretty cool. I see you played at Bogies with Shai Hulud - can't say I'm a fan of theirs but Matt is a friend. If you play any shows with Until the Dead Rise, say hi for me!