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Nov 8, 2001
New York City


Star sheds light on African 'Stonehenge'
By Richard Stenger
Thursday, December 5, 2002 Posted: 3:01 PM EST (2001 GMT)

(CNN) -- Mysterious ruins in Zimbabwe, nearly brushed this week by the shadow of a total solar eclipse, once served as an astronomical observatory to track eclipses, solstices and an elusive exploding star, a South African scientist said.

The Great Enclosure in the archaeological site of Great Zimbabwe, a crumbling ring of stone walls and platforms about 250 meters in circumference, was thought to have been a palace complex for regional rulers some 800 years ago.

But Richard Wade of the Nkwe Ridge Observatory thinks that the enclosure was used in a similar capacity as the much older Stonehenge in Great Britain.

The arrangement of the walls, the complicated symbols on stone monoliths and the position of a tall tower suggest that medieval Zimbabweans used the complex to track the moon, sun, planets and stars for centuries.

"The importance of Great Zimbabwe is that it was the capital of the only known sub-Saharan African Empire that lasted almost 1,000 years. Everyone in southern Africa somehow relates to this nucleus cultural complex," Wade said.

Several of the stone monoliths, for example, line up with certain bright stars in the constellation Orion as they rise on the morning of the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice.

Boosting an ancient legend
Another contains markings that coincide with orbital patterns of Earth and Venus, which could be used to forecast eclipses, Wade said.

In his most controversial position, Wade suggests that a tower at the complex, whose purpose has baffled historians, was probably built to observe an exploding star in roughly 1300 AD.

"This large conical tower in the great enclosure stands directly in line with the rising supernova remnant when seen from the observation platform and court area of the time," Wade wrote in a paper to be submitted to the journals Science and Scientific American.

"They requested that I send the work on completion," he said. "I have been peer reviewed now for almost four years and only recently have I received a nod from the South African science community."

Modern telescope observations indicate that a supernova lit up the sky at approximately the same time. Historic records make no mention of it, an omission that does not surprise Wade since the dying star appeared over the Southern Hemisphere, which at the time had virtually no literate cultures.

But oral legends in the region lend credence to the supernova idea, Wade said. The Sena people of Zimbabwe hold that their ancestors migrated from the north by following an unusually bright star in the southern skies.
That is pretty fucking cool. I wonder if when the shadow of the eclipse lands directly on it, those walls rise and make a dome shaped enclosure, it rotates and a stone panel slides away revealing an enormous manipulation mirror which can reflect the eclipse's halo at concentrated points of our atmosphere, burning a hole in the ozone which can let enormous nuclear amounts of sun onto certain spots of land, which in essence burns out the land and makes it unusable for thousands of years. (Africa has a lot of desert and unfarmable land).
wow, that IS pretty neat.

i'm not sure about the manipulation mirror theory. (and by the way, i should add here that "manipulation mirror" sounds like a horror movie carnival mirror in those fun houses. but of course what happens is that you look at yourself all distorted in the manipulation mirror, and you trade places with the image. you then realize that when you take your clothes off, you have an extraneous number of tailbones or you are missing your genitals or something. and then you also realize something "moral" from this whole story too. but i won't say what. also, you happen to be a large, ugly man with fat rolls in which you hide spare change anyhow.)

i bet the solar eclipse looked like a big demon flying cat with two tails. and there is definitely a secret panel.

it is known if there's a sacrificial table?
i don't know! I'm not really all that informed about stonehenges and ley nodes and such. i was even disappointed when i went to the Real Stonehenge earlier this year, because the existing structures are much younger than i had thought...
was real stonehenge extremely extremely commercialized?

america's stonehenge was great, except for the fact that there were ugly fences all around the structures and big wooden numbers on the "oracle chamber" and a gift shop with new-age books. that was a little dissapointing.
The real Stonehenge was basically a huge parking lot and gift shop, with at least a dozen buses and maybe a thousand people milling around it. You could only walk on a roped-off path circling it nowhere near the stones. It was kind of impressive until I realised that it was built 3,500 years ago. What was being built 3,500 years ago in Egypt? Much, much better shit.

Don't get me wrong--it was very cool to see, but mostly because of all the myth and hype I grew up on. I was more aesthetically into the bus ride up, through the amazing greenery and hilly hedgerows of the British countryside and especially the blazing-yellow squares of pure yellow (rapeseed/canola fields). No green at all, and one of the brightest yellows I've ever seen in nature.