Scuzz, New Skids on the Block


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Rather cooly we've been on the last 5 nights :headbang: If you want to catch the video (if they show it again) we are usually the last video on the show, so it goes out about 9.55pm ..

It has been moved further forward in the show and goes out around 9.40pm now.. long may it continue :headbang::D
I caught you guys on Scuzz tonight! You remember Voodoo Lounge (did it exist back when you were in Plymouth?)? Me and my mates caught War Of Angels in there :cool: my mate/singer of my band was sold on the spot.
Hi Ayeka, i guess you mean Jfk's ? We didn't have War of Angels then dude... must have been another song and i'm seriously trying to think which one sounds familiar .... umm none i think :tickled: You've got me confused now :loco: :D
Nah mate, Voodoo Lounge is a bar up near one of the big roundabouts at the top of the city centre, next to the Money Centre - opposite side of town to Union Street! Used to be very much an 'alternative' spot about two years ago, not very far removed from a gay bar. Turned crap now :loco:
It was definately War Of Angels I saw on that TV!
Just been on Scuzz, which has been the second time of my seeing it. I have to say I'm quite impressed! I'll have to pick up the new album as soon as poss.

also yay! to Aveka, FF7 rules
I've actually been in both the Leeds and Wakefield shops in the last 4 days and had a look see to see if they had it but I couldnt find it in either, I meant to ask Sheridan if they had it in but it slipped my mind...
I'm Sky-less too, so I haven't seen it. The only time I see Sky is at my girlfriends' house, and the last time I went over to especially watch anything on Sky Manchester Fookin United beat Arsenal. I haven't seen Sky since. Stupid channel.